Chapter 28.

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Within the first week of being Senator and doing the duties with it, California's economy had boomed liked never before even with the Dollar's aid. The people of California that weren't part of a crime syndicate had Isabella to thank for that and her leadership and was even more respected that she was a teenager still, with being a senator she still balanced with being the Dollar's founder in leading her organization with the aid of her friends to help balance things out. There were some problems and that was those that liked the corruption in people with using greed to control them, those people didn't know who the Dollar's founder was since it was the Dollars that had started fighting back. It was worse for them when Isabella came into power and actually making change and doing something so of course those people wanted to get ride of Isabella by any means, those feelings also went to the people that where arrested after the stalking law bill was passed and those that confessed and told there stories about there stalkers those stalkers where arrested and put behind bars. Those stalkers blamed Isabella for them being in prison and wanted her dead because of it, the people that had been stalked sent Isabella thank you gifts and even did thank you videos on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook and that only increased Isabella's reputation and approval ratings even more.

Isabella sighed with annoyance in her Senator office, of course she decorated it the way she like it to prove that it was her office and that was with a lot of Kawaii/anime and cute stuff with large colorful Alpaca stuff animals near her desk. Even her hair was pink anime gaming chair, she didn't care what other people thought. It had her happy and small escape from the real world that wasn't her home another thing was that she had rainbow star hole black out curtains in her office shutting off the natural sunlight exact for the stars that where in the curtains, another thing she started doing was when she was working she wore more brighter lolita dresses with bright sweet makeup to get people in a good mood around her in the office.  Another thing about her office was that it was filled with thank you gifts since she didn't want to make her living address public and felt a little more safer for gifts to be sent to her office, something else that that kept being sent to Isabella's office and why she sighed where marriage proposals and other Senators trying to set her up with there sons. The second after she tore the letter there was a few knocks at her door that got her attention,

"Dove you got another gift." That voice being to one of Isabella's friends she didn't live with her but she was part of the lolita community and also an Albino like Isabella, she was a college freshman and was one of her friends that went to Gotham for Cori's funeral that she hired as her secretary and hearing the word gift got her a little pissed

" That voice being to one of Isabella's friends she didn't live with her but she was part of the lolita community and also an Albino like Isabella, she was a college freshman and was one of her friends that went to Gotham for Cori's funeral that s...

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"I swear to god if it's another marriage letter...." Isabella stopped herself as her albino friend entered her office with a bouquet of black Calla lilies with a letter in it, Isabella knew who they were from and allowed her friend to put them on her desk.

"Same person like always with these flower?" Was what Isabella's friend asked her when she took the letter out of the bouquet

"Yep, one person that knows I like black/gothic flowers like these. Pearl could you bring me some documents there for the approval for the reconstruction for those building I'm planning on doing apartments for those homeless and recently released prisoners for those job openings."

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