Chapter 11.

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"Hey Cori you free tomorrow or do you have work?" Isabella called Cori after three 0'clock and he answered her

"Yeah I have morning shift, I need enough to get new parts for my car." Isabella was a little disappointment in hearing him say those words she sat on her bed while she spoke to him again

"I have business transaction with Lex Luthor in Metropolis tomorrow for a painting he payed for, I didn't want to go alone and thought about you. Also I thought it would be a little more safer."

"Safer?" Was what Cori repeated and she answered his curiosity

"Within a few hours after my post a million of my followers where wanted to buy those painting that artist did and my following increased by a few thousand, if this keeps up I'm afraid your going to be a target since we're dating. I'm going to be more of a target, I'm surprise no villain tried to kidnap me yet."

"If you are going to Metropolis tomorrow I wouldn't want to go by myself either..see if Tim is busy?" Was what Cori said to her and she answered back

"Yay I'll give Tim a call and see if he's up for it, take to ya later  bye babe." Cori said his goodbyes before they both hung up and just before Isabella dialed Tim's number he started calling her

"Huh good timing?" Was what he thought before she answered the called

"You have good timing, I was just about to call ya."

" I was going to ask if you how was the art modeling, from your posts it went well." Tim asked that while he was in his room on his laptop looking at the footage of Isabella sitting on her bed and talking on the phone

"It did, he'll put the portrait up for auction sometime around next week when he get back to his country. Anyway I was going to ask you if you where available tomorrow, Cori can't go due to work and I don't want to go alone."

"Where are you going?" Tim asked her like he was curious when in fact that he knew what she was going to ask him and she answered him

"Before moving to Gotham someone in Metropolis commission a painting order from me and I finished it a few days ago, I need to hand deliver it and I don't want to go alone. Think you'd be interested in going with me?"

"Yeah I don't have any other plans I just need to talk to Bruce about it." Was what Tim said to her over the phone as he put his laptop of his nightstand before standing up off his bed, as he did Isabella spoke to him from her end of her phone when she also stood up off her bed and walked over to her small area where she had her packages of her ad products she had and help up an un opened box of lipstick which was red shade and walked over to her little makeup station 

"Please let me know, you can text me if you feel like it? I actually gotta hang up I need to do some ad work for Instagram." After she said that she hung up her phone, while she was doing things on her Instagram and earning money for herself. Tim spoke to Bruce about going with her to Metropolis not long after Jason told his story with dealing with Black Mask's men with them trying to abduct Isabella, Damian thought it would be a good chance to figure out more about Cori and what he was hiding. Along with finding out if there was anything he didn't want to be found out legally or not, Jason spoke out his mind about his curiosity about knowing what type of art Isabella did after hearing and seeing that she had her own art studio that she even let her own mother step foot in. 

The next day which was Saturday Isabella was already up at six in the morning and getting dressed to go to Metropolis, the first thing she did was wrapping Lex Luthor's painting in special wrap for it to not get damaged and already putting it in her room before doing her normal beauty routine before doing her lolita makeup, eating and then putting on her lolita coord she wanted to do something a little different and decided to wear one of her coords that she had delieved and modeled the other day for her sponsor ads

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