Chapter 16.

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The call Dick had received was from Tim and he told him what I told Damian about his eyes being familiar and they looked at the letter that was hand written from the person that gifted her with her coffin bed that she loved,after that call he quickly returned back to the Wayne manor as fast as he could.

"Ra's al Ghul? You can't be serious?"Dick questioned that out to Bruce and his brother and the one that answered him was Damian holding the note in his hand

"I recognize my grandfather handwriting." After Damian said that Tim questioned

"What does he want with Isabella?"

"Hard to tell, but he's been following her for this long he must have intentions. He's many things but he's no fool." The one that said that was Bruce, they wondered why Ra's would be so fixated on someone like Isabella, curious they did a DNA background check on Isabella since they didn't do that before when they did a DNA match with her and Danica. The result that was revealed shocked even Damian, during that time Isabella was enjoying her bubble bath and on her laptop checking the progress of all the Dollar locations and also inviting new members in joining from not just the Gotham location but the entire state of New Jersey.

"I'm writing to the new members from the Gotham location in saying thank you for your ad and support to the dollars." Isabella type that in the Gotham chat room and writing that all the new members wrote back to her almost instantly in thanking her letting them join and for doing good for the community, she wrote the same thing to the Metropolis location in seeing all the hard work her members where doing in that city and they too thanked her for letting them join. Just when she was about to log out a message caught her attention from the Gotham location and she opened it the user's name was Viper

"Since you've done a lot to help Gotham I want to help you, I'm also a member of Black Mask's gang. He pissed that someone is stepping in on his turf, please be careful he wants you found. He figured out that your somewhere in Gotham and is starting to question others that might be members." Reading that message made her a little worried and she replied back to Viper

"Thank you for the heads up Viper I appreciate it, you stay safe and any other members. I'll alert them right away, I won't say your user name. But just in case please alert other members if they haven't heard yet, also any other members that work for Black Mask." After she wrote that another message popped up from a user named Midnight

"Hello leader, I wanted to give you a warning I'm a member of Two face's gang and he knows about the Dollars and isn't happy. Not just him both other street dealers from Gotham there starting to see you as a threat to there street dealings. They managed to get a hold of a Dollar and tortured them for information." Isabella was more worried and she replied back to Midnight

"Thank you Midnight, a member named Viper just told me about Black Mask trying to track me down in seeing me as a threat as well. Please alert and warn other members that are in Two Face's gang, I'm still going to do an emergency alert for the Gotham members." After the message was sent Isabella sent an emergency alert message to the Gotham members about Black Mask and Two face from what she was just told, that message did reach both Dick and Jason since they where members, it wasn't just them Bruce became a member when he got an invite and accepted it. The same with Tim and Damian not long after Bruce had gotten an invite, Isabella had turned logged out of her lap top before getting out and putting on her light pink sailor moon night gown.

"This is bad, I didn't want innocent people getting hurt. I can't go public that'll only make things WAY worse. There's got to be a way to protect my members?" Isabella thought that as she came out of her bathroom brushing her hair with her brush, after she was done she did her normal night route. Eating dinner with her mom and now Cori and his aunt, helping Cori with his homework in understanding it better then it was just the two of them. She even whispered in his ear about wanting to graduate early during the summer and wanting him to graduate with her, she did want to risk either her mom or his aunt hearing there conversation so they just whispered in one anther's ears until they where done talking about there plans. Isabella still wasn't really yet to tell Cori about her being the Dollar's leader, but she still planned on doing it as just the right time.

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