Chapter 48.

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With all the information and the Justice League's aid Isabella was able to not only expose the military with meda human trafficking but exposing Lex Luthor as well to the public with the findings she had found, Lex Luthor was sent to very special prison she had made along with the generals and military people that where involved with the meda human trafficking. Millions of people where of course shocked at those findings and practically ever news station and radio station across the globe where talking about it, to a lot of people it only proven just how much of a force of nature Isabella really was. Her action only gave her more enemies with a very large hit on her across those that wanting her dead, Isabella and her party where fully aware and came prepared for those actions. Did Isabella feel bad for arresting Lex Luthor?...No she didn't he also had a contract agreement that he did sign saying if he betrayed her she would get seventy five percent of all his assets and half of his multi national company to her own uses. 

Upon the new elections it was voted that Danica would take her place in the candidates for the presidency, Isabella even planned on doing an announcement of her stepping down from office and telling her real reasons. Her friends knew that she didn't want to step down but had no other choice in the matter since she had another country to rule, that side Isabella put what she got from Lex into good use with his money and assets.

"God I can't believe it's happening soon. It feels like yesterday that I became president. Can't believe it's going to be over so soon." Isabella said that while she plopped herself of her bed on her bed and she wasn't alone Talia was with her and sat next her on her bed

" Come now it won't be all bad, you'll rule a kingdom YOUR way. Think of the positives, along with what you achieved. Along with doing humanity good." Isabella sighed before sitting herself up

"I'm happy you and your father respect my wishes and not using HIS methods in bettering humanity. It's interesting actually he has his wealth and yet barely did anything with it for the greater good rather than himself, while I'm using mine completely opposite of him with very good results and people are worshiping more." Talia seemed surprised hearing that and made Isabella a little confused

"What is it?"

"You are definitely Eulalia Moon's child those where her words to my father. The two of you are quite a like with not just your appearance." Isabella was surprised hearing that, she didn't think she and her great grandmother had anything in common. It turned out they where a lot alike more so than she thought, up until the new elections Isabella barely took breaks in completely for goals before stepping down. With the money and resources she got from Lex she did a lot of chances, in a lot heavily populated cities she about a fourth of the more taller buildings that where brick she had put moss concrete on one side of the buildings in helping with both noise and air pollution. Cities like New York, Detroit, Washington and even some parts of Texas with large cities with that small makeover of the city needed it, some liked it and other didn't. She didn't stop with just the United States she proposed the same idea to America's allied nations and the nations that really like Isabella, those that like Isabella after her helping their counties they gave her moss cement idea a chance after heading the benefits of it. The counties that did it where Japan, China, India and both North and South Korea, during Isabella's second year of office she managed to get both north and south Korea on good terms a lot how did was with the 'it's pretty obvious when you think about it accord" She even used the same maharaja she used in getting the two countries in sighing a peace treaty while they where both VERY high, which did work. Even the leader of North Korea even made a public apology to both his people and the world from a live broadcast that a lot couldn't believe what was happening, he was both high and sorry at the sane time during his apology speech, the leader of South Korea was even with him in making a speech and was just as high as him.

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