Chapter 43.

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Talia had told Isabella what had happened in Detroit, things where going smooth at first but ran into some trouble that recognized her and had to quickly return back. However Talia wanted to know if there where others like Sofia that had powers beside Danica which she was aware off, Isabella didn't see any harm in telling her and confessed that there where others that had powers but wasn't in any other organization besides the Dollars. Isabella even admitted one of the leaders having acid tears that can melt threw anything, Talia found that interesting about that type of power and not just that but there where some that where even magic users that where passed down from there families. Some where mediums and fortune tellers, one can even travel threw dreams, a girl had a strange ability it wasn't a power but she had rainbow skin meaning her skin changes color depending on what she ate. Another who was twelve years old even cried real pearls and she rescued from his crazy gold digging parents, the same with a girl that was fourteen that cried diamonds Talia was surprised by the type of people she let inter her life and her organization. A few even had some didn't types a phobias one being afraid of new faces and different others with similar problems, with her curiosity she did ask some simple question to other members after she parted with Isabella so that she could continue her Presidential work.

One week later...........

   "Welcome to the first Dollars meeting from around the world."Isabella spoke that while wearing a white cloak and black mask that covered her full face and the mask changed her voice to more high pitch to not be recognized while speaking to her webcam camera on her laptop in her room that was pitch black dark, it make it more easier she was actually in her massive walk in closet. She wasn't the only one in odd places in the White House the other members where wearing cloaks but there masks which covered there faces and voices where there nations or state flags to know where Dollars they where, the other leaders that weren't invited to live in the white house where on the live feed but Isabella had the screens dark to not make out anyone and had there voices deepened to not be recognized either. For extra security and making sure no one would track them Isabella and her programming friends created a special system to make the signals from the computers jumps to very random places, there where a total of a thousand leaders from across the planet to whom made time for a special Dollar's meeting. Isabella explained how the meeting goes with leaders shared with any issues or problems that where solved with the organization, the meeting lasted for about two hours until everyone logged out. Before getting out of her closet Isabella took off her cloak and mask and hit them both in a box and storing it behind some dresses, along with putting her laptop on a type of dresser that was in the closet that was near the door as she opened it and exited it. 

almost one year ago......

On the day Cori died, he didn't want to leave..He mainly didn't want to leave Isabella. Instead of seeing the afterlife when he opened his eyes again. He didn't see heaven by rather a very royal/fancy looking room, him sitting up from the lavish bed he was on he saw that he wasn't along dozens of what looked to be servants where gasping in seeing him and seeing the look of relief on there faces. Cori couldn't help but being confused seeing the new people around him, the worst part was that he couldn't understand what they where saying either. He was feeling his head he felt bandages on it and when he noticed the color of skin on his hands made him freak out to the point where he looked around for a mirror and upon seeing a vert tall one he quickly got out of bed and saw his own reflecting in seeing that he was in someone else's body.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Cori screamed that in English and his action confused the people that where in the room with him, where confused by his actions. To Cori's shock he discovered that he was on an island nation a lot like the crescent moon kingdom and his soul had been switched with the nation's crowned price. The royal family where confused seeing there so not having their yellow eyes but rather green eyes and not knowing who they where, as much as Cori didn't want too he had to play along that he had lost all his memories after his accident. He realized that he and the crowned price must have died at the same time and Cori was given a second chance and he wasn't going to spit being with Isabella again. For the next year Cori had to get use to his new body and learning all he could about his new life, he also found out who Ian De Cresensia was. He was the opposite of Cori which he didn't like and didn't want to pretend that he was him, not only that he found that that the royal family can use magic which was something that he was not expecting and learning how to use it was thee most challenging during his year. He also wasn't use to now having siblings, one brother that was two years younger than him and a younger sister that was six years younger than him. The only thing that kept Cori going was seeing Isabella again and making the person by for killing him, he remembered the face of the person that pushed him down the stairs and swore to never forget his face. The younger siblings where surprised by their older brother changed behavior, he wasn't slacking nor flirting with any girls or his concubines and given got rid of them all of them. He didn't show any interests in any other noble women and spoke how he was already in love with someone far better than any noble women and wanted to get stronger until he could be with her, those words really surprised the royal family and knew that he truly had changed and couldn't believe that he did.

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