Chapter 25: The Butterfly Effect

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Butterfly Effect: (in chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.


The O'Dea family was kind enough to let me accompany Malory to the venue, with Benjamin following the newlywed's car honking in front of us. The old rascal looked as fine as ever in his dark grey suit and fedora. He could easily pass as a former James Bond actor or villain, his posture better in his sixties than mine will ever be in my early twenties. Malory was sitting in silence, watching the cornfields and prairies arranged along the way. The previous hour was especially rough on her. That precious mind of hers must be crammed with thoughts.

"Hey, is everything okay?" - I offered a shoulder to cry on.

"No, none of this is." - she disclosed with her sore red eyes and running nose, her arms crossed over her resting legs.

"Cheer up! Your brother is really bumped to see you this way. He only has your best interest at heart." - I tried restoring peace between the siblings.

"If he did, he wouldn't be marrying that brainless swine." - she criticized overtly, and I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing.

"Damn, you really hate her guts, huh? Did anything happen between you two?" - I asked, more out of curiosity than empathy. I was glad we both shared this common resentment towards that entitled witch, so maybe she was willing to share something Jamie wasn't quite ready to. "Not that I blame you, of course. They're not the most ideal couple on paper, we can both agree on that." - I added to make her feel more comfortable opening up to me.

"No, nothing did, and that's the problem. We barely spent any time together. I don't even know the woman my own brother is marrying. Plus, I didn't expect this day to come so soon. I always imagined Jamie marrying someone similar to him, someone who would appreciate his talents and everything he has to offer, a special person he'd write songs and poems about, someone inspiring..." - she paused for a second to hold in her tears, her brittle voice still shaking. "It feels like it's all going to waste...and for what? Her? I'd rather he died alone to be honest." - she looked out the car window, dispirited. Likewise, Malory, likewise.

"What about you Mr. Benjamin, how do you feel about Jamie getting married at such a young age? He told me about your close friendship with his late grandfather back in Rome." - I switched the conversation onto the infamous all-seeing all-hearing chauffeur, with whom I never got a chance to converse with properly until then.

"Young age? Women slightly older than Malory had children back in my days! But yes, Sullivan and I were like brothers, God rest his soul. I don't think he would've approved of this either." - he asserted in displeased fashion.

"That makes three of us." - Malory mumbled under her breath.

"What makes you say that?" - I queried curiously, surprised by his honesty. Is everyone in this car against the newly-weds? Heck, is anyone in favor of this marriage at all? Except the bride and her father, of course.

"Well, you see, Sullivan knew how impulsive his grandson can be when it comes to love, how he follows his heart instead of using that talented brain, voice and hands God blessed him with. I'll never understand why this happened all so suddenly, but who am I to judge? I never got married." - the way he uttered the last part so ordinarily, as if he avoided an arrow to the head. Does this mean he is unaware of the contract? I can't tell.

"I know right? They met at that godforsaken party, and now they're getting married all of a sudden. What was he thinking? It's so unlike him to be this impulsive..." - Malory joined the conversation now that she finally felt understood. "I guess we'll never know." - she shot a judgmental glance my way, fully aware of what was happening behind the scenes.

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