Chapter 26: Bargaining with Souls

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"It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." - Friedrich Nietzsche


Since all the guests were preoccupied on the dancefloor with their significant others, I took the opportunity to refresh myself in the restroom and reset this puffy mess of a face, again. The luxurious white marble tiles and over-the-top lighting made me look exceptionally horrible in higher definition, but thankfully I took advantage of the free supplies to bring it back to an acceptable state. What they failed to do, however, was wash the cold sweat Benjamin induced in my body. How can a single piece of paper completely change my destiny? Am I becoming delusional? "This can't be real." - I pulled my eye bags down, staring into my own reflection. I took a deep breath before entering the hallway, only to come across the red devil herself with an unerasable smile from her face, the one I imagined having on this day, had our fate been different.

"Hola, are you having fun?" - she kept dancing to the muffled sounds. "I know I am." - she couldn't resist adding, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Plenty." - I answered blandly while making my way to the exit, unable to continue with the foolish act any longer.

"Is there a problem, Noah? You seem a bit...triste." - she remarked, brilliantly showing off her capacity to recognize basic human emotions. I'm impressed. "I must confess, I heard some people asking about you and your daring outfit. I can introduce you to them if you'd like. Who knows, maybe we'll be guests at your wedding next? Ha!" - she found herself particularly amusing today, whereas I found her particularly irritating.

"Think I'll pass, thanks." - I used the last bits of patients to remain civilized and not shove her face inside the nearest bathroom stall. "Speaking of rumors, I've read some pretty messed up things about you online the other day." - I lied to get a reaction out of her, wiping that undeserving smile right off her genetically enhanced face. "But none of them could possibly be true, right? You're so nice in person!" - I didn't even try disguising the sarcasm in my voice, and she smiled awkwardly.

"I really don't have el tiempo to read any of that nonsense. Now if you'll excuse me, I must change into my dancing dress." - she was quick to change topics. Also, weren't three dresses enough already?

"Hey, quick question out of curiosity. What was your favorite poem from Jamie's recent work?" - I put her right on the spot before she could leave. In reality, there was no right answer, as long as it matched the title of one of them. Just as figured, she couldn't come up with a single one.

"Oh, I couldn't possibly decide! My love is so talented, he puts his heart into everything he does!" - she lied to my face, filling my body with rage and resentment. If I were in her shoes, I'd be reciting the damn book like I wrote it myself. How can she live like this? It's pathetic and disrespectful towards him, to say the least. Her negligence for his work ceases to amaze me. His work deserves to be worshiped, for crying out loud!

"He sure does...Take care, Valentina." - I said as she dismissed herself into her dressing room of infinity located in the far end of the hallway, with a golden star printed on the red leather door. Little does she know what I'm capable of now. I let out a sound of intense exasperation before walking to the other side of the room and filled myself an iced glass of strong Irish whiskey, downing it in one go. The burning taste did little to ease the storm creating havoc inside my brain. She didn't deserve him - that's a fact, but was it really up to me to put an end to their marriage? Why am I even dwelling on this? I couldn't possibly do this to him. He chose to spend the rest of his years with that total flop of a human being.

"Leave some for the other guests." - a red-faced Jamie suggested arrogantly while approaching the empty table, and I poured myself another glass on purpose. "Jesus, Noah! Are you trying to get wasted?" - he tried reaching for the glass, but I pulled it away defensively.

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