Chapter 19 : Point of No Return

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"Let's embrace the point of no return." - Lorde

Chapter painting: "In Bed, The Kiss" by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (irrelevant to our protagonists, but I found their bodily positions captivating!).


The sound of a loud bang buzzed trough my ears, but not the one of a corpse crashing onto the concrete floor, but rather something heavy falling onto a metal surface. Was he...?

Expecting to see his cadaver or his detached limbs on the adjacent balcony, there he was in one piece, having landed steadily on the air conditioner condenser unit next to my terrace, surprised that his own ridiculous stunt worked. That crazy son of a bitch!

"You idiot! I thought you were gonna..." - but he hopped across the railing, grabbing my arm before I could slap his face, pushing me against the wall and shutting me up with his tongue. Holy mother of Jesus! Yet again, I was contemplating on whether I should push him off the balcony myself or once we finish what he started. Before I could decide his fate, he slid the door open, throwing me onto the bed while unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, throwing away his necklace and revealing a toned body underneath. He may live for now.

He crawled his way towards me, biting onto my ear while slowly uncovering my robes. His tongue and lips traced their way from my neck all the way down to my belly, leaving no skin intact. His beard intensified the sensations even more, creating an extremely pleasurable experience, impossible to resist.

"Want me to stop?" - he asked half-breathed, making me bite onto my own lips so as not to wake up the entire hotel. I shook my head momentarily, pleading for more while caressing his curly hair. "Say it." - I never imagined him having such a dirty side, not that I was complaining.

"Don't stop." - I pleaded.

"I won't."

And so the hottest hour of my life began, our bodies grinding in harmony, making love to each other. I felt weightless and worshiped, forgetting everything else, addicted to his touch. It was him and I now, enjoying our last time together with the clock ticking against us, releasing all the emotions and desires we kept from one another for so long. Two silhouettes making shapes in the dark, embracing the point of no return. The night I was taking with me to the grave. The poison he injected in my blood, eccentric yet compelling, conveyed me to an almost euphoric-like state. And behind it, that feeling of pure vulnerability and raw intimacy when undressed, as if you're confiding everything in your possession to this exceptional person.

Although exhausted from today's events, we continued on and on, experimenting and carrying out our wildest fantasies until our bodies could no longer bare more pleasure, compensating for all the lost opportunities. He fell next to me, breathless, still holding on to me tightly, playing with my hair. Bloody hell, no wonder she won't let go of him! He kept whispering those three magical words into my ears throughout the past hour, enchanting me with his passionate nature. For how long, O'Dea? Until July?

Once recovered, we tiptoed our way into the bathroom, entering the spacious tub filled with hot water. Although we got to know each other's bodies intimately only moments ago, there was still this shyness that accompanied nudity, as if that protective layer is gone and there's nothing left but your authentic self. He threw in a pink bath bomb and some rose petals, lit up a few candles and turned off the lights before diving in himself. Unnecessary, yet brilliantly atmospheric.

He pulled my legs up, kissing every toe softly and making my ticklish self giggle. It's so strange how he's capable of lifting me high up in the clouds, but also disintegrate me into nothingness when things go south. Were the highs worth suffering through the lows, however? Guess we'll find out tomorrow. He turned to my side, laying against my chest, wrapped around my arms, observing the reflection of the candle lights in my eyes.

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