Chapter 15 : La Sorellina

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"I drink to make other people more interesting." - Hemingway

Chapter painting: "Place de Rome at Night" by Theodore Earl Butler.


Choosing the ideal ride proved to be a challenge, considering our options consisted of a fairly cheap and modest boat with no cover, a classic red and white double-decker packed with tourists, and a fancy vintage floating restaurant with a mini bar. We argued over them like an old married couple deciding which house to buy and I was clearly more entertained than he was. Wishing to treat me yet again for keeping him company, he insisted on the third luxurious ride. As much as his generosity and need to spend money on trivial things drove me crazy, my curiosity for what lavish commodities laid inside was far superior. Plus, I wanted this to be a night both of us would remember, no matter what happens after his regrettable departure tomorrow.

La Sorellina's interior featured raisin-colored leather seats, sleek wooden tables, and a large patterned royal carpet to finish off the prestige appearance. The minibar looked stolen straight from a Great Gatsby mansion with lights showing off the collection of exclusive bottles the sophisticatedly dressed barista had to offer. She immediately served us sparkling water, surprising me with her outstanding English pronunciation. It was clear as day that the freckled ginger and I were foreigners, so she didn't even bother checking if we were locals.

"What brings you two here?" - she asked, showing off her crystal white teeth and cute dimples. I gave her a brief summary of everything we're planning to do as she seemed actually interested. She didn't recognize who Jamie was, to my surprise. Even though I was aware that he was far from an A-star Hollywood celebrity, I expected people stopping us at every corner to ask for pictures and autographs. Maybe he wasn't as international as I was led to believe, they were a band on the rise after all. While engaging in casual chit-chat, she served us an assortment of scrumptious cheese bites as appetizers. Switching back to Jamie once I was done conversing with her, I noticed him looking around aimlessly with a dull look on his face.

"Aw, is the famous musician not receiving the attention that his oh so many talents deserve?" - I pinched his left cheek, feeling like we've reached the stage where minor physical contact is socially acceptable. Before I even finished my sentence, he gave her an almost threatening look, observing her shaking us a Daiquiri and Piña Colada. Yeesh! He really is the jealous type.

"What? No! I was simply...checking out the interior decorations." - he lied, almost choking on his own words, causing his freckled cheeks to blush instantly. Boys will be boys. Still can't believe he is older than me. He acts like a Doctor of Philosophy at one point, and then transforms into an immature kindergartner. Not sure which one I loved more.

Throughout our most random conversations, I continuously wondered about his engagement with The-One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, since he avoided revealing pretty much anything concerning their relationship. How can a famous couple be so secretive? He was busy telling me a funny story to notice me drifting off for a bit. This was supposed to be a special period for their relationship: living together, planning their marriage, tightening their bond yet he never seemed to mention her. Then I remembered the question his fan asked at the book tour.

"You mentioned Valentina working on her first fashion collection earlier. How's it going?" - I asked while swirling my drink, setting foot into forbidden ground. His expression changed rapidly, from joyful to rather nervous as we switched topics from an embarrassing fail that happened on stage during their tour, onto his controversial soon-to-be wife.

"Oh yeah, about that." - he cleared his throat. It sounded like I almost reminded him of her existence. "She's finishing up some final touches before sending it to this high-end fashion show in Paris, among other famous designers. Her family have high expectations for her, since they pretty much financed all the necessary materials, photo shoots, and runway models. She's nervous as hell, but thrilled to share her creations with the world. Just like any artist, really." - he smiled faintly. The next question came up naturally.

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