Chapter 27: Whatever it Takes

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"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Just as I reached the dance hall with the confidence of a lion, some of my all-time favorite songs started playing, as if I requested them myself. After returning a sly nod to Benjamin, I joined the two lovebirds, finally enjoying the celebration like it was my own. Leo's shirt was drenched in sweat, but he kept moving with an energetic Elektra swaying her hips next to him. I closed my eyes and started dancing spontaneously to the pop melodies, allowing the tune to fully synchronize with my body. Valentina's impressive flamenco skills easily outmatched mine, but it didn't matter. Mine were victorious. She smiled back at me, interpreting my smile as a "damn you're good at this" smile, rather than a "I rightfully stole your fucking spouse from you, bitch" smile.

Alas, Jamie's ridiculously awkward dance moves won the evening ultimately, inspiring guffaws and roars among guests. His occasional side glances were signs of reassurance for the decision I made, whose consequences I was done worrying about. All I wanted was to tackle him on the floor, rip his gorgeous eyeballs out, keep them in my pocket, bite off his lips, hug him so tight I until his ribs crush, but there was no reason to rush anything. Happily ever after is waiting for us just around the corner, after all. Elektreo observed me with both confusion and unsettledness, but they seemed to prefer it over me bawling my eyes out so they kept quiet. "I fucking adore you." – I told him telepathically. His infatuated gaze screamed "I want you" back, and we both grinned.

His father approached him and Valentina, focusing their attention elsewhere. Across the venue, where the soon-to-be-divorced couple's table was placed, stood a woman in a grey pant suit, carefully arranging a stack of papers on it. She explained to them what I assume were details surrounding their marriage certificate, and they listened attentively. They thanked her for the information and soon after the music stopped abruptly, resulting in playful protests from the guests who seemed to be enjoying their time. Benjamin helped Malory get on stage where the Midnight Blues performed earlier, with the venue staff members arranging a projector and computer in the background. The crowd gathered in front of her, patiently waiting for the surprise she set up for her brother, who seemed equally confound.

She spoke into the microphone, but there appeared to be sound issues. "Fuck, does this thing even work?" – she uttered while clicking all its buttons, and her words could now be heard loud and clear from all four corners of the venue. The guests laughed at her poor choice of words. "Oops, I guess it does. Sorry mom." – she laughed nervously, her cheeks turning red instantly. Her mother shook her head in disbelief humorously, whereas Jamie held his hand against his mouth, trying to contain himself. "That's one way to start a speech. Congrats Mal." – she spoke to herself, while unfolding a piece of paper. She scanned the writing quickly to refresh her memory, only to shred it to bits seconds later.

"I'm not really good at these things, so I guess I'm just going to wing it." – she paused for a second and inhaled deeply. "Jamie, I know that you and I had a bit of a rough start this morning, so consider this as a way of me making it up to you, okay?" He nodded apprehensively, having already forgotten the incident. Valentina did not seem convinced, however.

"You're the most talented, sweet and generous person I know. Growing up together, I always secretly looked up to you even though my pride wouldn't let me. It also might have to do with the fact that you wanted to throw me in a dumpster soon after I was born." The audience roared, including me who understood the reference, and Jamie turned red with embarrassment.

"You accomplished so many things at my age, and I wanted to share how proud I am to be your sister, cuz I know I have troubles showing it sometimes." – she confessed. "Even though you're really annoying, and also intrusive, overprotective, immature..." – she laughed. "Still, you were the best brother I could've asked for. I know that I can be a real pain in the buttocks sometimes and a spoiled brat, but also impulsive, indecisive, cold..." – she laughed with tears in her eyes this time. "So thank you for tolerating my teenage drama and taking care of me all these years. I made this video for you yesterday with mum. I'm thankful to have you in my life. I love you." – she cracked a teary smile, and the audience applauded her for the kind words.

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