Chapter 6 : Into the Night

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"For she had eyes and chose me." - William Shakespeare

Chapter painting: "Beach at Night" by Juan Sandin (irrelevant to the protagonists)


The ride towards the secret spot was silent but pleasant as I waited impatiently for us to arrive whereas Jamie was curiously wondering where on Earth was I taking him. Secluded from the city's hustle and bustle, we passed through Thessaloniki's tall, white, balcony-filled buildings and a few monuments, informing him what little I knew about each one during the long ride, perhaps even spreading false facts just for the thrill of it. He was seated next to the door, so I took the chance to get closer, pointing at various buildings outside the window, his strong cologne and tempting lips way too close for my sanity.

I asked where the rest of the band was to which he replied: "I think they mentioned a hot tub party on top of some fancy hotel roof, I don't remember.", adding "Nor do I care." after hearing me gasp in awe. This last comment shot right through my small beating heart. He chose to go out with me, an acquaintance at best (as much as I hated admitting it), over a night out with the band? He really is different from anyone else I've ever met. My heart liquefied and feelings doubled for this mystery of a man, whose freckles matched the number of hugs I wished to give him. Ugh, being in love can be so cringe sometimes.

As we were getting closer, I convinced him to pull up his turtleneck so as not to spoil the surprise but he protested playfully, claiming he looked like an idiot. "You don't need a turtleneck over your face to look like an idiot, trust me." - I teased him successfully, prompting him to poke me on the waist, making me jump and hit my head against the top of the car. He slid right next to me, apologizing and laughing his ass off, caressing the back of my head. Complying to his wish, Benjamin opened the roof, making me realize this was a convertible all along. Riveted, I stood up and let the cold wind of the night kiss me, spreading my arms like a hawk zooming through the sky.

"There, now I can poke you all I want!" Brutally assaulted by yet another wave of pokes, I giggled along as I was extremely ticklish, pushing him away and causing him to hit the door on the other side. It took me a while to register the tears of joy in my eyes. I can't remember the last time I laughed this much, my cheek muscles so sore, not used to being active this much. Kind of sad, now that I think about it.

Slowly reaching our destination, Jamie finally figured out I was taking him to a hidden beach with no signs of human interference, only nature's intact beauty. We left our footwear in the car, ready to feel the sand adapting to every step as we approached the shore. "Noah, I didn't expect this at looks magical! How did you even find out about this place?" - he admired the calm scenery. Seeing his adorable dimples made it all worthwhile.

"My dad took my mother here on this beach when they first met during her vacation in Greece. I think this is where she fell in love with him. Magnificent, isn't it?" - I queried, hoping the same binding magic will sparkle in the salty air tonight. We approached the shore, clueless about the water's temperature at this time of the day. He stared blankly into the never-ending sea, lost deep down in his thoughts. If only I could read his mind. "You okay there, Jamie?" - he seemed distant out of the blue.

"Yeah, sorry. Just brought back some old memories, special ones actually. I used to take my sister to the beach whenever our parents would fight. I didn't want her listening to their arguments, she was too young after all and deserved to have a proper childhood." Oh. I didn't expect that. It was a sensitive topic and I didn't wish to meddle into his family affairs, so I decided to lighten up the atmosphere. I threw my jacket onto the sand while he pulled up his trouser hems before stepping foot into the water. It was too chilly for my liking, but dipping during the night was on my bucket list and it simply had to be done. The only thing left was dragging him in with me, the tricky part. After a quick brainstorm, I devised a tiny scheme.

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