Chapter 11 : Italian Kiss

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"Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures." - Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers.

Chapter painting: "Italian cityscape-Verona Feast" by Italian Art.


While the rookie writer was busy answering the remaining questions, I admired him from afar, unsure of what would happen once the interview reached its end. I browsed a shelf full of mystery novels nearby, testing my poor acting skills to seem unbothered while he was signing books for his fans and taking pictures with them. He probably didn't enjoy that part of fame, but was aware of how necessary it was to devote himself to them, the ones equally responsible for his slow rise to fame. Once done, he thanked the bookstore manager for the event and started walking towards me. Although my heart rate was pumping at maximum speed, I tried my best to play it cool.

"'s really you." - he approached me awkwardly with the same confound look. "I didn't expect this, what a pleasant surprise. Did you come all the way here from Greece?" Based on his body language, he wanted to go for a hug but changed his mind last second, greeting me with a friendly smile instead. I went for it anyways to make things less awkward for us, squeezing tight for just a second before letting go, noticing he was elated by the gesture. Bingo.

"Of course not, silly. I'm finishing my Master's degree here and happened to come across a poster advertising your little book tour. It's amazing, by the way." - I showed him my copy. "I'm really happy for you!"

"Wow, what a coincidence. I must say, it's strange to see you appear out of nowhere every time I organize a world tour. Admit it, you're secretly stalking me, aren't ya? Were you here on the previous ones too? I could've sworn I saw someone peeping through the bookcases during my previous promotions." - he laughed. Ugh, his stupid sense of humor always brings a smile to my face.

"Shh, you don't remember anything." - I waved my hand in front of his face like a Jedi trying to erase a stormtrooper's memory and thankfully he understood the reference, otherwise I would have made a complete fool out of myself. "For real though, I've been studying here for six months now. How are you? It's been a while." - I asked, trying to avoid any unpleasant memories and feelings from resurfacing.

"I'm doing great, actually. Really happy with how the poems turned out and the support I got along the way. It's been quite the journey." We were interrupted by a security guard, informing him that the bookstore was going back to business and that dozens of fans would soon come barging in.

"Oh, got it. Thank you, sir." – he appeared somewhat disappointed, realizing our conversation was over before it even began. Unless...

"Do you mind catching up over some lunch? My treat this time, I'm starving." - he held his growling belly in agony. Did he just invite me to a perfectly normal, platonic, casual date? Okay, not a date exactly; we were just two independent adults who haven't seen each other in a while and want to find out the latest. A friendly reunion, nothing wrong with that.

"Sure, and since you're treating, I'll take us to one of the fanciest and most expensive restaurants Rome has to offer." - my evil smirk caused him to reconsider his decision.

"On second thought, I have a plane to catch. See you on the next one!" - he joked, glad that there was zero tension between us whatsoever so far. "I'm kidding. I keep my promises. After you." We left through a backdoor, where I instantly recognized his ride and old man Benjamin smoking a cigar against its hood. "All done, kid?" - he asked before noticing me, putting his glasses on to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. I shook hands with him, thinking how oddly relaxing it must have been working as a chauffeur - following Jamie in all these wonderful destinations, traveling the world and getting paid for it. At least it seemed that way.

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