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I haven't found place to stay either and I'm running low on food. I come up on a stream of water and sit down by it. I need a break I've been waking for a while now. I've been feeling like someone's been following for a while now. I can't tell if i'm paranoid or if someone is actually following me. I drink some of the water, it's not the best but it sure is cold. I refill my bottle and put it back in my bag. I begin to wash myself off a bit. I just don't get why i haven't come across anyone and any building. There's no way the woods is this big. Just have a little hope that everyone is at least somewhat safe.
I get up and start moving again. Nights have been coming fast, feels like days are gone by a snap of my fingers. I hear rustling coming from infront of me. I hide behind a fairly big tree. I soon hear voices. I peek around the tree and see a group of men, their about a few feet infront of me. They have bows and shit, looks like daryl would fit right in. "Alright boys we'll set camp here." Fuck really? They have to pick this spot? Probably a good idea to try and leave. No way am i gonna make myself knows to these guys. There's no telling what they'd do to a lonely girl out here. I get ready to walk back, "hey you, girl." Goddamn it, i just wanted to leave. "Joe come look at this." I turn around as a guy with grayish white hair come my way. "Well well well what we have here boys." He smiles at me, "what a pretty girl like you doing out here." "Was walking the other way of ya couldn't tell. I'm not looking for trouble." "Well who said anything about trouble? Why don't you stay with us huh?" "Think i'm better on my own thanks." "Come on, we don't bite." I roll my eyes, "I highly doubt that." He looks behind him, "we won't touch her, right boys." They all agree, "come on, bet you don't have much food huh? We could share some with you." I am low on food, I look at all the guys. "I'm good thanks." I say and continue walking. "We'll see about that." He says as i pick up the pace. No time to stop now, not with those guys close by. I change my direction and go right of them. I move through the night, hopefully I don't meet up with them again. I thought about staying but i'm better on my own. Maybe they were the ones following me. I couldn't tell, Daryl better at that stuff than i am. The sun is finally coming up. I see a building in the distance, maybe a barn. I pull my sword and get closer. I was right it's a barn, i open the door and nothing. Woo must be my lucky day! I'm tired as hell and needed some shelter. Sure it's not the best but hey i'm not gonna complain. I set down my bag and lay on the ground. Feels good to get off my feet. Just hope those dumb guys don't find me.
I open my eyes and i see darkness around me. I sit up and rub my eyes, must have fell asleep. I get up and stretch, "mmm" i moan out of relief. I start to hear growling. I roll my eyes, really i just wanted it to be peaceful. I put my bag on and grab my sword. Lets get to work i guess. I make my way out of the barn and see a small group of walkers. Nothing i can't handle. After killing them I decide to move in from the barn, was good shelter but need to keep moving. Got to have a little faith i'll find someone from our group right? Better to move at night with the darkness. It's fucking cold out here. Sooner or later i've got to find a permanent home. I hear leaf's crunch behind me. No shot they found me. I just keep walking keeping my hand on my gun.
I walk a little further, suns starting to shine threw the trees. I spot a berry bush, these should be fine to eat. I start picking some and putting them in a small bag. I hear something behind me and I stand up and pull my sword out. These two guys come out with their hands up "please don't kill we're friendly." They try and walk closer "that's far enough" they stop. "I'm Aaron and that's my boyfriend Eric." The man named Arron says pointed to the guy beside him. "I'm Y/N."

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