Infected weapons?

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It was now time to take action at hilltop. I stayed back waiting for the signal that their on their way. I look at Jerry on the wall. He nods to me, their on their way. It's night time now and no sign of them. I'm standing with Maggie on the upper porch area. Jerry looks at us and gives the signal. "Here we go." Maggie's says. "Lets do this." Maggie grabs the walkie "Negan. I want to talk to Negan." "Well hello there.  You are speaking to Negan. But on my birth certificate says Simon. With whom do I have the displeasure of speaking to?" "Maggie. Maggie Rhee. The widow." "Well then. Hello again Widow Rhee. Allow me to offer my condolences. For what's happened and what's about to happen. In case it's not already plain as hilltops potatoes, speaking on yours truly on behalf of Negan this go around. And I assure you that the man himself personally received your care package next day delivery. I noticed it was the box I gave you in good faith- tricks on me. But the bills come due, you and your people are gonna have to pay. Quiet dearly I'm afraid." We bring his people out onto the porch "Your 38 people are alive and breathing. Turn around and leave us be, and they stay that way. And if you don't I have 38 bullets and I will personally fire into all 38." Maggie hands the walkie to Aiden one of the saviors "it's too nice a night to spend it dyin' slowly don't you think, Simon?" "How's this gonna go?" "Well Maggie Rhee, this is highly regrettable but the way I see it, the saviors you have there are damaged goods. You know, they've got themselves into their own pickle, and this organization prices shoes who, A avoid capture and B figure out their own shit. Which in the end is my way of saying screw then." I turn and look at everyone "this is what your own people think of you" I laugh softly. "Did you really think that cockamamie okay would work?" Gregory makes some joke. "It will." Maggie says and I smile. I hear shooting "game on." I yell pulling out my gun and start shooting. Then their people stand up and start shooting arrows. One goes right into my shoulder. "Shit." "Take the prisoners into my office." "I can help you defend this place.? I want to please Maggie. You think I got a reason to be loyal to these people?" Aiden is dragged inside. Maggie comes to me "I'm fine I'm fine." I say getting up and crouching with her. "Where the hell is he?" "I don't see him." "Lookouts fall back. Front line give em cover!." Maggie runs inside. I lift back up trying to shoot the guys with bows. "Lights Y/N go for lights it's time." I hear Maggie yell from the door. I start shooting all the lights out I see and hide behind the metal sheets. Once I start hearing shooting again, I get back up and do the same. "Their pulling back." I yell as the trucks pull back. I slide back down, I try to pull the arrow out. Your not supposed to but it hurts like hell. I finally get it out and stand back up and walk into the house. As I'm about to go down the stairs Daryl runs in the house and spots me. "Maggie said you were shot are you ok? Where?" "I'm fine Daryl. I was shot in the shoulder by an arrow." "Come on lets get you to the medical trailer." Daryl helps me to the trailer. Siddiq tries to help me but I stop him "help the others I can to it myself." I clean out thy wound and wrap it up. "Are you ok baby?" I nod my head "just hurts like hell." Maggie comes in to check on me. "Feeling ok?" "Was he out there?" Is all I ask. "No. Rick said he was out in the woods he tried to break off and kill him but he didn't. He did try." I nod my head "we'll get him Y/N we will." "I know." "Just rest for now." "I'm fine." I say standing up. "Don't be hard headed Y/N." "I'm not Daryl I'm fine we have better things to do than sit here." I say leaving the tent. "Y/N." Daryl calls out to me, I stop. "Why can't you just listen your hurt. You don't need to be out here." "It's just a scratch. Ive had worse Daryl and you know it. If I could survive my father I can survive Negan and his men." "I didn't mean you couldn't baby." I turn around and face him "I know. I'm just saying. There's better things to do than sit and rest. Negan is still out there breathing." He comes up to me and kisses my lips, I kiss back. "We'll get him don't worry." I nod my head "come on now mrs. Hard headed." I slap his arm and he chuckles.
We moved everyone into the house, it's not a lot of room but we make due. I stay up walking around to make sure everything's ok and no one sneaked up. I hear screaming coming from the house. I run and and see walkers "what the hell." I pull my sword out and start killing them and helping people get out of the house. We finally clear the house. I sit in the porch, soon Daryl comes out. He sits beside me "how the hell did this happen?" I ask him. "The saviors did something to their weapons. Everyone that got shot or hurt got sick and some turned." I sit there and look at him, "does.. does.. that.." "I don't know. You don't seem to show the signs." "Daryl what if I.." "don't say that. You won't." He says kind of angry. "What if I fucking do?" He stays silent, "it's gonna be ok." He says softly pulling me close to him. No way this ends here for me. Not with that mother fucker out there.

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