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We start making our way to hilltop. Judith finally wakes up, I put her on my shoulders. I hold her by her legs as she play with my hair. The group sits down to rest, I'm not even tired to be honest. I walk around our group, Judith stands on my shoulders. "Woah don't fall now. Your so tall princess." She giggles. Daryl and Rosita get back, they discuss pathways. I step away a little bit because I don't want to get into the shit going on between Tara and Dwight. "Alright. We'll try the swamps" Daryl says. Great this will be so much fun. Daryl stops us and there's a lot of water. "Push through get a path through the others." "Yea sorry guys I'm out on this one." I say laughing. Tara stays back along with Dwight and the rest of the group. There's a group of walkers that come by. "Who wants to help me take care of that?" Tara asks, I stand up and hand tobi Judith. "I will." I say drawing out my sword. She goes the knife to Dwight "congratulations you just volunteered." I roll my eyes "lets get this over with." I groan making my way to the walkers. We kill all of them but one. "You could cover me with a knife." "Yea but I'm covering you with this. Last one." "Sure you don't want it?" "And waste a bullet? No thanks." "I'm sorry about Denise. I truly am. I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't deserve that, just wanted you to know that's all." Dwight kills it, "you should've stayed with the saviors." I turn around and see Tara with a gun pointed at Dwight. "Tara don't do anything stupid." "I hate them. I hate Negan." "Don't care. You don't get to switch sides and pretend it's ok." "I know. I never will. But killing me right now like this. What's that gonna do?" "It's gonna make me feel a hell of a lot better." Tara shoots but misses and hits the tree. They both run off, "goddamn it Tara." I run after them both. I walk toward then but hear others talking. "Shit." I duck down in some bushes. "The swamps that way let's cut through there." One of them say and Dwight jumps through the bushes. "Dwight?" "What the hell happened to you? We thought you were dead!" "It was an ambush. You know, they shot us to hell, but I got away. Spend the whole night hiding. You know running from the dead ones. Trying to make it back. What happens to Laura? Through she made it out too." I hear footsteps behind me and see Rosita. "Damn you gave me a heart attack." "Had to make sure y'all were ok saw you guys run after him. "About to check the swamps." "Nah I just came from there. They were smart enough to steer clear. Now if i were them I'd stick to Burke's pass. Clear path clear shot." "Yeah lead the way D. Almost didn't recognize you without the vest." "Lucky we didn't shoot your ass." The group walks away with Dwight and Tara looks back at us. "What are you doing?" She asks Rosita, "making sure you guys were ok. Saw you running after him." "Why didn't you try and stop me?" "No one could've stopped me." We head back to the group to tell Daryl what happened. Me and Rosita lean against a tree "this should be good" I whisper. "I told you to wait. For all we know he could be telling him everything. Negan could be on his way here right now!" "He won't. He lead them away. They were coming right for us, and he saved us." "She's right he did. I saw, so did Y/N."
"I don't give a damn what he did. He can stick with them, he can come back, hell he can run. When I find that son of a-" "Daryl." I yell and he looks at me, I point over to Judith. She looks scared. "Cmon" he says annoyed. I grab Judith from tobi "aww did you play with the dirt? Your hands are all dirty." "She did!" Tobi says smiling. "Did you have fun princess?" She nods her head and taps my shoulder. I smile and put her back on my shoulders. I catch up with Daryl once we get close, I give him Judith. "I'll tell them" I say softly. We get in and I see everyone as they run towards. I shake my head "Carl.. he's dead. Zombie bite" I say softly. Enid breaks down, I kneel in front of her and hug her. "Shh it's ok." I rub her back and feel Maggie hug us both. "I have it" she whispers. I nod my head and let her go. I walk over to Daryl. He rubs my back and kisses my head. "Soon." He whispers soon. We all gather by the gate to see Rick and Michonne. "I'm gonna talk to him." I nod my head and let him go.
Maggie spots a car and tells Rosita to go and get it. She brings it back and there are crates inside of it. "I don't know what the hell this is." Rosita says handing Maggie a proper. "Feel these crates with food or records i will gladly exchange them for a key to your future? It lists coordinates of where to meet them." Maggie hands the paper to michonne. "This isn't the saviors. They'd blow through the gates, make a big show. This isnt that." "I wouldn't put nothin past them." "Well if it is a trap it's kind of obvious." "What if we just actually go and check it out" I say. "Right what if it's someone who actually wants to help?" "If someone trying to help us and we miss out? We miss out. If someone's trying to kill us, we die." "Not if we're careful." "Being careful is staying here." Is it worth risking though?" The girls all agree on going except me. I don't really have any energy or anything for that matter to do something like this. I go and try to find Daryl. He's talking with Carol, I walk over. "You look like shit Y/N!" She laughs i nod my head. "Feel like shit to be honest." "there should be a room somewhere you can wash up and rest just ask maggie." "No no I coul-" "we'll go ask." Daryl cuts me off. I look at him "guess we will then!"!

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