The bug

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I wake up and head to the showers. I turn on the water and let it run down my body. I get done and dressed and head back to my cell. When I walk in Daryls up sitting on the bottom bunk. "Well good morning dixon." I say putting my dirty clothes in a small basket I have on the floor. "Morning" he groans. I look at him and walk over to him, he snakes his arms around my waist and buries his face into my stomach. I run my fingers through his hair "didn't sleep well?" I ask and he shakes his head no on my stomach. We sit like this for while just me running my fingers through his hair while he holds me close. There's distance gun shots from a cell block. Me and Daryl run out "what's up?" I ask "don't know" Tyreese says. I grab my sword and We run out to cell block D there's walkers everywhere. I start helping people get out and killing walkers. "Are we clear down here?" Rick yells. "Yea" I yell back, They go and clear the upper part of the cell. I walk up stairs towards then, and Patrick is just laying there. I gasp and cover my mouth, I was just talking with him yesterday. Apparently there's a bug going around now that killed him. We go and have a councilor meeting about what happened. We hear someone coughing out in the hall way and we run out and it's Karen. We have to separate everyone that is coughing for showing symptoms. "I'll get started on burying the dead ones" Daryl says. "I'll help." I say. "Wear gloves and masks." Hershel tells us and I nod my head. Daryl stay back to talk to Carol for a minute as I go and help bury the bodies. I start digging holes and Daryl comes out and helps, Rick walks over and starts helping us also. Maggie yells for us and we look over; one of the fence of the prison is about to collapse from the walkers. "Shit" rick says and we run over. I pull my sword out and go trying to kill as many as we can. "It's not gonna hold" I yell. "Are you seeing this." Sasha says. We look over and there's rats on the ground. "Someone's feeding these things." "It's gonna give" we start pushing up on the fence. "Daryl get the truck I know what to do." Rick says and Daryl runs to get the truck. Rick gets the pigs and climbs in the back of the truck. Me and Maggie open the gate for them to go out. We run back over to the group to see if it works. After rick lets go of the first pig we start putting up poles to support the fence. After we put the poles up to help the fence we head back in. I'm walking with Daryl and Tyreese calls to us to get Rick. I go and get Rick and go with him to see Tyreese. He shows us two bodies that were burned. "You found them like this?" Rick asks. "I came to see Karen and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them. Someone dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire." He walks closer to Rick "you're a cop. You find out who did this and your bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me." Daryl walks to him "we'll find out who-" and Tyreese shrugs him off, I then step closer. "I need to say it again?" "No, no I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You see me there it's dangerous." Rick says. "Karen didn't deserve this." "No" "David didn't deserve this no body does." Daryl walks over and grabs him "alright man lets-" he pushes Daryl to a wall "Man I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this." I'm about to walk over and pull him off of Daryl but Daryl holds his hand out to me to stop me. "We're on the same side man" Daryl says. "Hey look, I know what your going through, we've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down" Rick says. "Say the hell back." Tyreese says. "She wouldn't want you being like this." Rick says and Tyreese punches him. I get in between them, and Daryl grabs Tyreese. "That's enough." Rick goes over and punches him more than Tyreese did to him. "Rick" I yell and Daryl pulls him off of Tyreese. I run over to Tyreese and pull my rag out of my pocket and start wiping the blood off of his face. As Hershel cleans rick off I clean Tyreese off. "I'm sorry, I'll try and figure out who did this to them." I say to him and finish cleaning him up. "All done." I say putting away the stuff. "Thank you." He says, He goes out and starts digging holes for them. We have another meeting about the big that's spreading. Daryl take about going on a run for medicine. "I'll go." I say. "I'm in too." Michonne says. "You haven't been exposed Daryl has getting in the car-" Hershel says "he's already giving me fleas" she says and Hershel draws us a map. I go get my stuff from my cell and walk outside. "Is it just us?" I ask. "And bob, we need someone else to." Daryl says "Who else we got?" Michonne asks. Daryl walks off and leaves me and Michonne, I look down "how's your ankle?" "Feeling better" she says. "That's good should be all good soon" "we're you some kind of doctor before this?" She asks me, I shake my head "nope just a girl that served drinks." I say laughing "how do you know all this medical stuff." "Well Hershel showed me some, I also studied a bit when I was in school then the rest I had to learn from past experiences I had to fix up some things when I was young." She nods her head. "How'd you put up with him all these years?" I laugh realizing she's talking about Daryl. "I'm not sure he was a handful when we were younger, but he stuck with me and I stuck with him." I say; i turn around "speak of the devil." I say as Daryl walks up to us. We decide to take Zacks car since it's the fastest. I get in the back seat and sit in the middle of bob and Tyreese. "Hey I know you weren't running off. The thing is that trail went cold. You know that right? If it's any different, I'd go out there with you." Daryl says talking to Michonne. Daryl turns on the radio only to get static "hand me one of those CD's" he says. We then hear what sounded like a voice on the radio. "Was that a voice?" Bob asks, Daryl tells us to shh. We then look up and there's a herd of walkers coming for us. Daryl starts backing up trying to get away but we get stuck. "Make a run for the gap right there and don't stop you hear me." I get out and pull my sword and start killing as I make a run for it. We start running into the woods, we help Tyreese and keep running. We settle down at a lake and look at the map to figure out where to go next. We figure out where to go and start heading that way. I walk up towards Michonne "I've been meaning to ask you about your katana, you got a story behind that?" I ask her. "Not really I've just always used it." I nod my head "what about you? You got a story behind yours?" "Apparently it was my grandmothers, and when this shit happened I just had it." She nods her head, I laugh to myself "what?" She asks "we're like sword sisters" I say. She smiles "yea we are huh?" We laugh. "So what about that necklace?" "What about it?" "Got a story behind that?" I smile slightly "was a.. well guess you can call him a friend." "Oh?" She says laughing. "Someone that funny enough his people took Glenn so we went to save him. Guillermo was his name, happened to want me for the night while Rick and them got a plan together. So I stayed." "You got close with him in a night?" She asks surprised, "actually I did! Even thought about staying but I couldn't leave them." Daryl looks back at me "but that was the past." I say walking up to Daryl "See something?" I ask Daryl. "Don't know yet." We pull the leaves off of a car and Daryl tries to Hotwire it. "Gonna need a new battery." We head to the front and start cutting the limbs off from the building. As we are getting the limbs off walkers start grabbing us. Tyreese isn't in his right mind and is acting crazy. Michonne and me and Ty stay out side, as Bob and Daryl look in the store. I didn't find much so I go outside and wait for them. Daryl comes back with a battery and smokes. "Ahh you found the best." I say as he throws me the pack. He starts working on the car as I pull out a smoke, I walk over to him and reach in his pocket for his lighter. "Give me one." He says I hand him one and light it up for him. I then light myself one up and turn to Bob "want one?" Bob nods his head and grabs one as I hand him the lighter. He hands me it back and I put it back in Daryls pocket along with the smokes. I start helping Daryl with the car as Bob starts talking about when Daryl found him. "Give it some gas." He tells Bob and Bob goes and starts up the car and it turns on. I smile and we all get in the car. We find this school and start goes through he classrooms. "We good?" I ask. "Yea let's roll." Daryl says and we make our way out. We ran into some trouble so we go into a different room and now we're stuck in here with walkers on both ends. I pull my sword and start killing as we run up a stair way. "We don't have an exit" Michonne says. "We make one." Daryl says and throws something through the window. He helps us up and out, Bob falls and he is trying to get his bag back from a bunch of zombies but he won't let go. We keep telling him to let go but he won't we finally get him and the bag drops and alcohol comes out of it. "You got no meds in your bag just this, you should of kept walking that day." Daryl says about to throw the bottle but Bob puts his hand on his gun and says "don't" Daryl gets up close to him and Grabs him. Tyreese looks at me and I shake my head "Daryl just let it go he made his choice you just got to let it go." Tyreese says. "I didn't want to hurt anyone." Bob says. "Take one sip. When those meds get in out people, I will beat your ass into the ground you hear me?" Daryl says walking away pissed. We discuss how we're gonna get home and get ready to leave. Daryls still pissed, I hate to say this but when he said "I will beat your ass into the ground" that was kinda hot. Oh god what am I thinking. I shake my head smiling trying to get the thought out of my head and we head back home.

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