Gabriels disappearance and disappointments

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We catch up with the rest of the group. The King shows us around, Rick is still trying to convince him to help.  "You call yourself the king. You sure as hell don't act like one." I hear Daryl say, "daryl!" I say angry. Ezekiel walks closer to him. "All of this came at a cost. It was lives, arms, legs." Then the king moves to rick "the peace we have with the saviors is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold onto that. I have to try. Although the kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the king is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friend Daryl asylum for as long as he requires it. He will be safe here. The saviors do not set foot inside our walls." "How long do you think that's gonna last?" Daryl says and walks off, I sigh and go after him with the rest of the group. We get to the gate "hey open up we're out of here." Daryl calls, I look back at rick. "Your not." Rick says to him Daryl gets frustrated. "I'm not staying here." "You have too. It's the smartest play. You know it is, try to talk to Ezekiel." Daryl turns to me "Daryl I love you to death and I just got you back. We can't risk you getting captured again." "We'll be back soon." Rick says going towards the gate, I hug Daryl as tight as I can. "Be safe. I'll be back." I say pulling away kissing his lips. Me and Rick walk out of the gate and we turn around. "And Daryl! Be nice" I say smiling and then turn around and leave.
As we're trying to get back theres cars blocking our way. "Someone's blocking the road. Must be the saviors" Jesus says looking out the window. "Look that must be their base." Carl's says and we all look out. There's a few buildings we can see in the distance. "Yea that's it. Must be trying to make it hard to get to then." Jesus says. "We have to keep going. We'll move them and then we'll move them back. They don't need to know we're here." Rick says and we all get out. We start moving the cars as quickly as we can. "Rick come take a look at this" michonne calls out handing rick the binoculars. I try and see what their looking at, there's like a rope with like Dynomite attached to it. "What the hell." I say walking over to it. "We need these explosives" Sasha calls out. "Yea but we have to figure out how to defuse it first." Rosita pulls up an iron plate thing and uncovers the source. "Yeah, this is one of the things I didn't learn as a kid growing up." I say laughing slightly. Rosita starts trying to defuse it and then the walkie goes off. "We got a red code situation. I need a search perch to see if Daryl ran home like a dumb ass animal like he is." Negan says. "On it. Be there in time for lunch" Simon calls back. "Turn that sleepy little burg upside down" Negan says. I start to panic "we have to get their before them and we need these." Michonne says. "Yeah. Rosita?" We start doing what Rosita says and trying to hurry but not blow ourselves up. "Dad look." Carl calls out and we turn around to a herd of walkers. "Alright there they are but their far. We still have time. Move the cars back." We start moving cars back so we can keep the herd on the high way. I turn and there's more walkers coming and fast. "Guys we have to move come on." I yell as we get back and into a car as the walkers move to us. We get rick and Michonne into the car, and start to leave. The explosion goes off as we drive back.
We finally get back home and try to get things ready before saviors come. As we walk in I hear cars start to drive up, "shit" I whisper. Negans men start to drive in. "Rick. Hello. And hello again" Simon greets us. "We thought it'd be longer" Rick says trying to play dumb. "Do you think we're here for a tribute? Do you?" "Is there another reason?" "There is. We're here for Daryl." "Negan took Daryl." "Oh but then your son showed up, Daryl went missing might thought those two things be connected?" "They're not. We didn't know he was gone until now." "Then this should be easy. Now everyone find a buddy. Gonna have to follow us around. If he's here, we really need you all to see him die." Simon says as his men go and trash all of our houses. I lock eyes with Rick as we follow Simon. Simon walks up to me "I heard your the one I should speak to about Daryl. So darling have any idea where your lover is?" "No and if I did what makes you think I'd tell you?" He laughs "then Negan will kill you and then Daryl, or just take you on to replace Daryls place. I actually like that idea why don't we just take you instead huh?" Simon says bringing his hand up to my face. I slap it away "don't touch me." He smiles "you know i like that idea, replacing daryl with you. Might just have to talk to him about that." He says laughing. His men finally leave and Simon gets in the truck "oh and Rick if Daryl does show up, two days from now, two months from now. Hell two years from now, just know there's no statute of limitations on this." He looks at me, "your lover boy better show up or you'll be locked up next." He says and drives off. Rick turns to Aaron "what happened to the pantry?" "We need to take about Gabriel" Aaron says. "Where is he?" "He was on watch the night you all went to scavenge. I was supposed to take over watch for him in the morning. He wasn't there." Toby says walking up, "pantry was cleared out and a car was gone" Aaron says. "No ones seen him since" Eric says. "That dick head. What the hell" I say. "I don't believe it. That's not Gabriel. He wouldn't do that to us." Rick says, "I thought he changed to but it can't be anything else." "Yes it can" Rick says walking off. We go to his house, "there's no way he ran off like that." I say everyone comes in "he just left and didn't leave us a not." Rosita says pissed off. "Yes he did." Rick says showing me and Aaron a notebook that has the word "boat" written on it. "How did he know we were out there?" Aaron asks, Rick shakes his head "I don't know." "There's no way he followed us all the way out there is it?" I ask "I don't know but we're gonna find out" Rick says.
We plan on going to the boat we found. I head to my house and walk through the front door. Everything's a mess, I walk through the house. All my books on the floor, my furnitures turned upside down. I go to my room hoping they didn't find my stash of stuff in the closet. I go in and open the little hatchet and look Inside. Everything's untouched good, I pull it out and open the box and look at everything inside. Old pictures I have, little meanless things. I put merles shirt in there so I wouldn't loose it. I figure I'll re do the house when I get back. I smile and put the box back and get ready to leave. We take the group out to where the boat is. As we're in the car Aaron talks to me. "Eric asked me to leave. Both me and him." I look at him "like leave Alexandria?" He nods his head "said he wants both of us alive. He didn't like that I was risking my life." "Means that he cares. Are y'all going to leave?" "Hell no. I wouldn't leave y'all just hanging here." "He's just scared you know with everything going on. Y'all aren't used to that." "I know but he just wanted to stop everything and leave." "It will be ok we will figure everything out Aaron I promise. And I'll keep y'all two safe or at least try my best." "I know you will Y/N. And we're both grateful for that."
We finally get to the spot and get out to scout around. "Past" I hear rick call and walk over to a foot print in the ground. We start following the tracks, we get to this place that had abandoned cars and everything. As we get closer we hear a thud and people start surrounding us with guns, a lot of people. They close us into a tight circle, "great" I whisper.

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