Crossing Borders

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I tug the blanket close to me, feeling cold again. I open my eyes just barley turning over to find the bed empty. I hear the bathroom door open, "good morning sleepy head." I groan "come back to bed im cold." "Why don't you put clothes on then." He says laughing. "I don't wanna move." "Is it that or is it that you can't move?" "I can!" "Ok then get up." I sit up wrapping a sheet around me. I put my feet against the cold floor. Im already feeling the pain but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of it. I stand up slowly biting my lip from the pain. I stumble a little but manage to get up. I walk over to the dresser leaning against the wall as I pull some clothes out. I bend down to put my panties on. I can't even bend half way without wincing in pain. I hear a chuckle come from behind me "let me he-." "No, I got it." I try once again but fail. "Babe.." I feel his hands on my waist "let me help." I sigh and hand him the clothes. I finally get in all my clothes, "you gonna come with me outside?" I look out the window, "I wish the snow would just go away!" "It will soon. Come on Michonnes talking to Negan right now. He needs to have his wound cleaned and Siddiqs busy." "What does that have to do with me?" "Come on, look I'll carry you." We get out to the porch, "piggyback ride please!" He shakes his head "your such a kid." I get on his back "don't drop me please." We make our way to the medical house and inside. Daryl carried me all the way into the room dropping me down slowly. I kiss him in the cheek "thank you!" I look at Negan then to his wound on his leg. I sigh softly and begin to unwrap the bandage. "Where's that doctor at?" "He's busy. Y/N will clean and change it." "I don't know if I really want someone that wants me dead cleaning my wound." "If I wanted to kill you right now i would have killed you that day with Maggie. Yet here you are. Plus I heard you saved Judith and Dog so I guess I owe you one." I start cleaning his wound, I also start shivering from the cold. "Baby your still cold?" "What did you expect you know I freeze half to death." "I'll go get you another jacket." "I'm fine." "I'm going anyways." Daryl says kissing my head and walking out. I hear Negan groan as I dab a wet towel over his wound. "Sorry." I whisper. I bump into the tray of stuff and knock down one of the bottles and it rolls across the room. "Shit." I whisper and go and try and pick it up. I whine while I bend down and pick it up. "Are you ok?" I hear Negan ask me "yea just.. sore." It goes silent again as I finish up. "How's maggie?" I freeze and look at him "uh i don't know, she left a while ago with Hershel." "She didn't tell you where she was going?" "Nope. And I don't blame her. After loosing her husband and having all the fucking stress from you and not being able to kill you. I would leave too." "You don't ever wonder where she went?" "Of course I fucking do she was my best friend. But I don't blame her from leaving and taking my god child with her. Do i wish I could see her? Of course but she did what was best for her." "Why are you still here then?" I sigh and go and sit in the chair "I ask myself that everyday. But I can't just leave not now at least. Got things to do, got people to look after. And so does Daryl i wouldn't leave without him." And with that Daryl comes back in "I got you merles shirt and your jacket." He says handing me both. I stand up slowly "thank you." I put both on. "Better?" I nod my head and walk out of the room.

It's been about 4 months now, everything's been fine. I'm just glad the snow is gone!  We've been trying to train people for anything. Today we're out at Oceanside clearing out a boat. "You shouldn't be with us." "Hush Siddiq said it's fine, I'm only about 2 months along it's fine." "Still don't like the idea." "I'm just over watching babe." I kiss Daryl on his cheek. He's been so over protective of me since we found out I was pregnant. This time im not letting anything happen to this one. We finally get to the boat and they start letting out the walkers. God I think water walkers are the worst, they are so gross. Everytime i see them I just wanna throw up. I stand it the back over watching the training. We finally finish and head back to camp. I walk over to the kids, they just came back with their buckets of shells. "Did you kids have fun?" I ask kneeling down beside Judith and RJ. "We got a lot look!" RJ says dumping all the shells on the middle. They start moving them around, I see something in the bottom. Judith moves them around and it's a mask. "Shit, alright don't touch it." I pick it up and bring it to Daryl. I hold it up "kids picked it up by the river when getting shells." Daryl grabs it "you think it's a trap or something?" "Not sure, stay with the kids I'll tell Michonne." I nod my head going back over to the kids "ok besides that." I say laughing slightly "did we get anything cool?" I pick up RJ and put him in my lap "look!" He says showing me his big shell. "Look at that! A big one!" I look over at Judith "what bout you chick get anything cool?" She shakes her head "the normals." "Still cool though!" While I'm playing with the kids and the shell Judith looks at me. "What is it?" "Daryl says your having a baby." I smile and rub my stomach "yes we are! Soon my stomach will be as big as a beach ball" "Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?" I put RJ down and look at her "I'm not sure I could go with either one. What do you want me to have?" "Definitely a girl!" I laugh "no she should have a boy!" The kids argue back and forth about weather I should have a boy or girl. "Why don't you just have two! One boy one girl!" I laugh "slow your roll guys I have to get past one! But alright guys let's get all your shells together!" Daryl comes up to me with dog, I mean down and start petting him. "Hey baby boy!" "Are you talking to me or dog?"  I laugh "dog but.." I stand up and peck his lips "hi baby boy!" He smiles softly "imma go see Carol wanna come?" "Shes back already?" "Yea I'll bring her to come see you before she leaves." "Tell her she better come see me!"
I soon see daryl and Carol walking up to me. I smile big "told you I'd bring her!" I go and hug Carol tightly "I wouldn't leave without seeing you, and this little one so daryl tells me." She says point to my stomach. "How far along?" "Siddiq says just about 2 months!" "We were all wondering when you were gonna get pregnant. Now who's idea what's it." I look at daryl "no way it was his!" I nod my head "when it was snowing and stuff he said let's do some physical activities to get our blood pumping and now here I am three months pregnant!" I say laughing. Carol turns to daryl "you did not say that." "I did and I'm not going back on it! Hey she wasn't cold after, so it worked." I roll my eyes "what are your guys plans today?" "She wants to go riding." "Ok be careful." I say kissing daryls cheek. "Always am." He says walking away.
As i walk around I head a loud crash, we all look up and it's like an asteroid or something. We soon all start going to the crash site. The wood it's on fire and it's spreading fast. We act fast to try and stop it. I go with Arron and some to dig out and try to stop the fire from spreading so I'm not directly in the smoke. Daylight soon starts to shine through the trees and the fire is still not out. Even worse a huge pack of walkers start to come through. "Shit." I whisper pulling out my sword  trying to kill as many as I can. More just keep coming out, a lot are coming from the fire so their just catching on fire. I wrap a cloth around my nose and mouth going deeper into the fire. We finally manage to kill them all and get the fire out. I move the cloth from my mouth and take deep breaths, Michonne comes to my side. "You ok?" "Yea.. just need air." "Come on." She helps me back to the others.

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