Just like your daddy

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I feel a tear slips down my face "oh my god." I run up and hug her. "Hey!" She says hugging me back. "Your here?" "I got carols message. Y/n I wanted to tell you where I was but i knew you would come with me and I couldn't let you." I pull back "I understand maggie. I'm just glad your ok. Hershel! How's he doing?" She smiles "he's amazing you would love him. And I see you.." she looks at my stomach. "He finally did it." I laugh "yeah, yeah he did." "How long?" "6, 7 months somewhere along there. It's a girl." "Oh god, another Y/N running around with dixon blood in them. We are in for a hell of a ride!" "Hey!" I punch her shoulder "ah you know I love you." "I love you too!" I hug her again tightly "god I've missed you so much. You've got no idea how it's been without you." "I can tell." "There's so much more shit Maggie. But we'll talk about it later!"
I'm walking with Daryl we're trying to kill the rest of the herd. Maggie walks up to us, "Maggie!" I turn around and see two people. "Who are they?" Carol asks, "my people." I look at Daryl as Maggie goes and talks to them. "Carol, Daryl, Y/N.... Elijah and cole. Hershel and I were living with their people until recently. We lost the village." "And now we need to live with you." "Thought I'd take them to hilltop" I look at her then to Carol and Daryl. "What is it?" I sigh "come." I say taking her to hilltops ruins. "Maggie, Negan was with the whispers. That night. I wanted you to hear it from me because.." "it was you? You let him out?" "Alpha needed to die and Negan was our best chance. We were gonna lose everything. Negans the reason we didn't." "So what now? What's, everyone supposed to go to.. begat was it?" "Alexandria." "So, we all go to Alexandria and live next door to the guy who torched this place? Same guy who killed her husband. Is that right?" "We're still figuring things out." "Thanks for telling me. I need to get Hershel and the others." "Maggie.." I call out for her and she ignores me. I look at Daryl "I'm going with her." "I'll go too give me a minute." Daryl and Kelly soon catch up to me. "Okay." "Okay? Okay what? We stay here?" "We should go in the woods get higher grounds." Maggie looks to Cole  and says "think we'd rest better on some shelter." "Yeah all we have to do is clear out this whole parking lot." Kelly says nervously. "Shouldn't be hard." "Cocky bastard." I whisper and help clear out the area. We finally finish and I go and help Maggie clean her cut. "You the only doctor now?" I nod my head "pretty much." "So how.." "I don't know Maggie. Honestly I don't even expect to survive it." "What do you mean?" "My mom didn't survive having me with medical help. I have no one. Hell the last baby didn't survive this long." "Last baby?" I sigh and sit beside her "a few months ago I was pregnant apparently. Me and Siddiq didn't even know and one day.. I was in so much pain and bleeding a lot. Sid had told me what happened." "Oh god Y/N!" She hugs me "it's fine Maggie nothing we can do about it. " Daryl comes in, "should be good Coles on watch." Theres silence pause "hey I'm glad your here. When your letters stopped I thought, I don't know maybe you were gone." "I wasn't close to the drop for a long time. When I was I just didn't want to stop." Daryl comes and sits beside me, "what happened out there?" "Well.. you know Georgie had all these good ideas. With things, with things going so well with hilltop, meeting new people felt good. So, we'd find groups and do what we could do. But it always go sideways." "When you were with Georgie? God i live under a rock." Daryl looks at me "sorry." I whisper "She still out there? Georgie?" "I don't know. We were in this little place near Knoxville couple of summers ago that had this group. We taught them to reroute water, build a forge. She heard about this city out west, so she and the twins went out there to check it out, and I stayed back with Hershel. And not long after the place fell, we ran, and I haven't seen her since." "And what happened to your group? Their village?" "Not now. It's actually good to say some of it out loud. Just can't say it all you know?" "I know." "I almost came home. Maybe after Knoxville I should have." "Why didn't you." "We uh.. took a detour. My nana had this place by the ocean. After Bethie died, Glenn and I talked about going there." My heart stops, her and Glenn didn't even... awww man. "Not forever just for a little while. We never did. But I thought Hershel could. He loved it. Waves twice his size knocking him to the ground. He just bounced right back up and laughing." I smile "we watched the sunrise, watched the water crashing against the rocks. It was so peaceful. Hardly any walkers. One night we stayed up late and told him stored about his family. Beth, shawn, his granddaddy. He asked how his daddy died. I know he would, knew it was coming. I told him that a bad man killed him. He wanted to know if that man got what he deserved. He wanted to know if that man was dead. The truth is I left home cause I couldn't have Negan taking up any more space in my head, and then I realized I didn't want to bring Hershel back to that. And the next morning we met the whole community of people who needed us as much as we needed them. And it felt like it was meant to be. But that's over too." "You could come on home. You can stay with me and Y/N. It's not decided with Negan. Not yet. And what Carol did she and me... " "she felt she has to. God knows what I would've done if I was there." "I'm next door if you need me." Daryl gets up and looks at me and I look at Maggie. I hug her and go with Daryl. We get in a different crate. "She's not gonna stay is she?" I ask Daryl as he helps me down. "I don't know Y/N, I don't know." I cuddle up towards him and he rubs my stomach. "How long until your due?" "Three months or so why?" "Might need Maggie to deliver it since she knows." "Maybe."
We finally get ready to leave "hey ain't your friend supposed to be in watch?" I look around "shit. Kelly where's Kelly?" I ask looking at Daryl. We go off and look for her. "Kelly you gave me a heart attack!" "I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have." Cole drips down the jacket and Kelly looks at it. We start to head back out again. "Hey!" Daryl says and there's smoke coming from the sky. We all start running, we'll at least they do. I try my best we get up there "shit it's them, they found us." I look at Kelly. "What did we just get ourselves into."
Daryl starts tracking them and we all follow. I pull my sword out ready for anything. They talk about splitting up, "y/n go with them." I look at Daryl then to cole and them. "Why don't y'all take the pregnant lady?" Cole asks. I look back at him "I can handle myself asshole." "Come on Y/N." Kelly says and we go off. "And be nice Y/N." "I was being nice." I hear cole chuckle, "lets just go." We finally meet up with Maggie and some guy. Apparently it's the guy that's been bothering them. "GET DOWN." Maggie yells as he has a grenade key. I get down behind Daryl as he blocks me. I stand back up "gross."
Daryl and Maggie go off again to find Hershel as the rest of us make it back to that parking lot. "You know I didn't mean to offend you earlier." I look at cole "don't sweat it I've heard worse." "Y/N can be grouchy at times." I hear Kelly say. I smile "it's just because I'm the baddest bitch ever!" We finally make it to the parking lot. "How many months?" Cole asks. "what?" "How many months are you along?" "Between six and seven." "Damn, who's crazy enough to knock someone up in all this? "I am." I hear Daryl say and I turn around and see him and Maggie with Hershel. I gasp and walk up to them. "Oh my god." I look at Hershel then to Maggie. She smiles "you remember your godmother Y/N right?" Hershel looks at me "so your the bad ass mom kept telling me about." "Hershel!" Maggie scolds him and I laugh "guess I am!" I kneel down to his level "it's been a lot time since I've seen you! Look at you all grown up." I look up at Maggie "god he's gonna look more like him as he keeps growing up huh?" "Who? My daddy?" Hershel asks and I smile "yes just like your daddy." "Mom says I act like him too!" I laugh "I bet, when you were a baby you did. I used to play with you everyday." "Mom told me that. She said you were my dads best friend and hers." I smile "come on lets get rest everyone."
Me and Daryl settle up in the crate again. I smile big "did you see him! He looks just like glenn. He even had his hat! He was so cute!! I can't wait to our baby's here. Ahhh, you think she'll look like me or you?" Daryl just smile and sits beside me. I look at him and he's staring at me. "What?" "You remember when you said you'll never have kids?" I roll my eyes that was before this, plus what if I die and you have no one? Now you'll have her." "Don't talk like that." "Well it's true." He pulls me closer and touches my stomach. I feel a kick, I glare at Daryl. "What?" "She only kicks when you touch me." "She knows her daddy's here that's why." "God I have a feeling she's gonna be a daddy's girl." "Good, means I get to spoil her." I roll my eyes again "whatever dixon!" "Hey your a daddy's girl too!" I pull back looking at him confused "what the hell? No I wasn't." He smirks "I'm your daddy so your a daddy's girl." I blink my eyes a couple of times and slap his chest. "Don't be stupid." He laughs and pulls me into a hug.
We finally make our way back to Alexandria, as we get closer we see people building the walls up. "What the hell?" I ask walking closer. "What the hell happened?" "They left us a gift." Carol says. I look at Daryl and walk in with him. "Let's get you to bed yeah?" Daryl asks and I nod my head exhausted. Didn't realize being pregnant was gonna make me this tired.

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