Chapter 1

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The wizarding war has been going on for what feels like an eternity. I'm on Harry's side but secretly, I wish I wasn't. I wish that the war never happened and that there were no sides.

It is the 'choosing sides' that is keeping us apart. I miss her, and I'm not even sure she knows that. Or if she even cares. She has her husband and her son to think about, not me.

Voldemort was standing only feet away from us, that man scared the crap out of me.

We gathered around to see what the reptile had to say. Hagrid was enchained and appeared to be carrying someone in his arms. "Who is that Hagrids carrying? Neville, who is it?" Ginny asked, distressed.

I didn't want to say anything but it looked an awful lot like Harry and Hagrid's expression said a lot. "Harry Potter... is dead!" Voldemort announced. My stomach churned, there is no way!

"NO! NOOO!" Ginny screeched, running forward but thankfully was pulled back by Arthur. The pain in her voice broke me inside. She clearly loved him and now, he's gone.

I stood beside Pansy, grasping her arm for support. Even though I was in Slytherin, I still got along well with the golden trio and many other Gryffindors. I'm not like the other Slytherins however, Draco and Pansy are my best friends. And Harry, Ron and Hermione accept that- luckily.

"Stupid girl" Voldemort hissed. I could hear Pansy's breathing irregulate. I held a tighter grip on her to reassure her. She, like me, had also never been this close to the man. Even though her parents were loyal followers like mine once were.

"Harry Potter is dead!" he exclaimed again, I could hear muffled crying all around me. "From this day forward, you put your faith in me. Or suffer the consequences". Nobody dared say a word. I glanced over at McGonagall and even she looked petrified.

The bald man turned to face his followers and he once again said "Harry Potter is dead" this time, there was loud applause from his loyal subjects. Must he keep repeating that line? I asked myself.

I scanned the cheering crowd but my gaze landed on one person in particular. She looked almost sad, she wasn't clapping along with the others. But, I would've expected as much from her anyway. When I saw her, the world stopped spinning. Suddenly, Harry's death left my mind.

She locked her eyes with mine for a split second before looking away, almost as if it was too painful for her to see me. It hurt that she did that but what can I do?

The silent yard was broken when Lucius spoke, "Draco... Draco don't be stupid" I looked behind me to see Draco hesitating on the spot. "Draco, come" his mother spoke softly. Draco looked at me as if I would tell him what to do.

I nodded slowly with tears in my eyes, I knew he hadn't a choice and he must do what he is told. He took a deep breath and walked towards his parents, his hand brushing mine as he walked. Pansy began to cry so I pulled her into a tight hug but I didn't once take my eyes off her.

The Dark Lord hugged Draco which made me wince. He was forced into this war by his father, I've never gotten along with Lucius. Thankfully, it didn't make things difficult for us to remain friends.

I knew it hurt him to do that considering he had to leave his friends and even his girlfriend behind. Pansy didn't dare watch so I kept a tight grip on her so she felt safe. Everybody watched in disgust as Draco joined his parents, not knowing his reasons hurt. Everyone hated him for it but, they never took the time to understand why.

Pansy and I were beginning to get strange looks, it didn't bother me though. I was too focused on the love of my life guiding her son into the crowd of death eaters. I desperately need to speak to her, but finding the right moment will be too difficult.

Neville stepped forward and began to speak. But I couldn't hear him. My mind was too occupied by her. She has a hold over me and I want to say I hate it, but I don't. I wish to be with her, holding her hand but I know that I can't.

My thoughts were disrupted when Harry suddenly jumped from Hagrid's arms and Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat. Now was my chance.

I let go of Pansy and ran. I could hear people shouting after me but I didn't care. She was getting away. I barged through the crowds of death eaters to reach her. I called her name and she slowly turned around. Lucius also stopped and when he saw me, he twisted his face up.

He walked towards me and grabbed my jaw, "You!" he yelled. My breath was hitched from running and him grabbing me wasn't helping. "Leave now! Or you will regret it, child!" he screamed. "Lucius, leave her" she spoke so softly, it made my knees feel weak.

He let go of me and I collapsed to the floor. She left Draco to Lucius and walked towards me, helping me up. I looked into her big brown eyes and fell in love all over again. As I caught my breath again, I watched a tear roll down her cheek.

As I reached to wipe it away, she turned her face from me. "Cissy?" I whispered glumly. "Don't, please Y/N" she choked. "Please, look at me" I cried.

She slowly turned back to face me, her eyes were filled with tears as she still held me up. I found my feet again but still held onto her...

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