Sneak Peek #4

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*Amara POV*

The fire surrounded us. It was hot. Really hot. Smaug was above us and blowing more fire down.

I couldnt believe this. Where was Bard?

Tilda tugged on my cloak, I looked down at her and saw the small tears in her eyes. She was frightened.

"Where is my father?" She asked.

"I'm not sure little one, but I'll keep you safe." I told her.

I needed to find Bard. These children had already lost their mother, I couldnt let them lose a father as well.

Tauriel led the boat, trying to get us out of Lake Town unnoticed.

I heard a bell ringing and that's when I saw him. Bard was on the watch tower and he was shooting arrows at Smaug. I knew those arrows wouldn't do it.

Bain also looked up and then looked down, before standing up and jumping out of the boat.

"Bain!" The girls yelled.

"We've lost him." Tauriel said and kept going.

Tilda and Sigrid began to cry.

I quickly jumped up and dived into the water, following Bain. I wasnt going to let him die. I was done with death. I didn't want it to happen anymore.

"Amara!" I heard Kili yell, but I kept going.

Get to Bain and Bard was the only thought in my head. 

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