Chapter 26

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The army of dwarves got closer and closer. The dwarves in the mountain began to cheer at their arrival. I looked up at Kili and saw he was the loudest of them all.

Did he really want this?

"Ribo i thangail!" Thranduil yelled and we rushed to the front. The elves began to march towards the army of dwarves.

Everyone stopped marching as soon as the dwarf on the pig began to talk.

"Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider just sodding off?" He yelled.

Everything about this dwarf screamed something. I wasn't sure. I kinda liked his attitude, but he is a bit annoying.

"All of you! Right now!" He yelled.

"Stand fast." Bard said.

"Come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf said walking out towards him.

Thranduil and I followed. Only a few feet behind Gandalf.

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave or I'll water the ground with their blood." Dain said.

I gasped. This dwarf was madder than Thorin. I do not think he would be easy to reason with.

"There is no need for war." I yelled.

Dain looked at me. Then at Thranduil.

Before he could speak, Gandalf spoke.

"Especially between Men, Dwarves, and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand down." Gandalf said.

"I will not stand down before any elf. Not least this faithless Woodland sprite. Or his little princess." Dain said pointing his axe at Thranduil and I.

I looked down. Did this, Dain of the Ironfoot have a filter on that mouth of his?

"He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open. See if he's still smirking then." Dain said.

The dwarves in the Mountain began to shout.

"He's clearly mad. Like his cousin." Thranduil said.

I turned and looked at Kili. He was looking at me. I glared at him before turning around.

"Your kinsman need to honor their word, if they would there would be no need for us to stand here!" I yelled at Dain.

He completely ignored me.

"You hear that lads? We're on! Let's giving these bastards a good hammering!" Dain yelled and made his way toward us.

Thranduil pulled the elk behind some of the army. They began to position themselves, taking out their shields and spears.

I heard more rumbling. I thought at first I was hearing things, because the Ironfoot dwarves were yelling, but I realized I wasn't.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Thranduil.

He listened for a moment.

"Yes, something else is coming." He looked over to the hills.

Suddenly Were-worms came out of the ground. Roaring. I jumped, but quickly settled myself down.

I knew something bad was going to happen. Everyone was now looking at the worms. They weren't concerned with us fighting each other anymore.

More and more made their way out of the hill.

"Oh, come on." Dain said.

Then I heard them. Orcs. They were yelling in their horrible language.

I heard a shout and turned to look on the north side.

I saw Azog. Then a horn began to blow.

"Oh no." I whispered.

An army of orcs began to spill out of the holes.

"The hordes of hell are upon us! To battle, to battle! Sons of Durin!" Dain yelled.

They ran right past the army of elves and made their way over to the army of orcs.

"Thranduil.." I whispered as I watched the dwarves run towards the orcs.

He sighed.

"We have to." I said.

"Thranduil, this is madness!" Gandalf yelled.

Thranduil quickly nodded his head and the elves were running towards the dwarves.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

More Elves quickly marched over. Then I heard another horn blow.

"Hang on tight." Thranduil said.

I did as I was told and we charged over to battle.

"Berio i mand athra." Thranduil told the Elves.

They got out their bows and arrows and began to shoot.

I quickly took out my sword and began to kill anything that came to close.

Another horn began to blow and I watched Azog for a moment. They were sending signals to someone or something.

I watched in horror as many orcs marched towards Dale.

No. Many innocent people were there. Women and children.

I saw trolls making their way out of the holes. I don't know how were going to win this.

"All of you! Fall back to Dale! Now!" Bard yelled.

We all began to rush towards the city.

I saw orcs invading the city and many screams pierced the early morning.

It had gotten colder and snowflakes began to hit the ground.

I hit many orcs with my sword. As much as I could.

I looked around. So much orcs. I do not know how we were going to survive this or if we were going to survive this at all.

Suddenly something flew around me and I was pulled off Thranduil's elk and unto the ground.

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