Chapter 8

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When I reached the dungeons I heard the dwarves. They sounded excited and Bilbo was probably already down there helping them out.

I walked in and saw some of them already out of the cages.

"I was hoping you would be able to find the keys." I told Biblo.

"You were in on this plan too?" Thorin asked.

"Yes I was. And we need to hurry. Thranduil is in his chambers, but Legolas is trying to find me. We need to go now." I told them

"And go where Lady..." One asked.

"Amara." I told him.

"Oh well in that case I'm Bofur. Lovely name for a lovely lady." Bofur said.

"Why thank you Bofur. Now I would like to get to know all of you, but now is not the time. We must go now." I said hurrying them along.

"Bilbo lead the way and please be very quiet." I told them.

They nodded and Bilbo started off.

"You could get in trouble." A deep voice said.

I turned around and looked at Kili. Now that he was out of the dungeon I could see him better. He was a little taller than me, but that was okay because I was quite short for an elf.

"I could, but I would rather help you." I told him.

"I would rather us be in trouble than you." Kili said.

"Kili, you have a home to return to you need to do this quest." I told him.

"I dont want to leave you here though." He told me.

"Hey, I will be just fine. I promise. Here." I said taking off my mothers necklace. "Keep this close with you. It's my past, present, and future."

"I cant take this." Kili said.

"No you must. Its a good luck charm." I said.

He smiled at me before putting the necklace on and tucking it under his shirt.

He looked at me and slowly leaned his head in placing a sweet and gentle kiss on my lips. It was surprising and sweet and honestly I didn't want it to end.

When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes.

"Amara, come with us." He asked.

"I cant. They would know how you got away and they would come after me. I promise you this though, this wont be the last time you see me." I said.

"Okay, but be careful." He told me before hugging me.

"I will." I said and stopped walking.

He continued to walk and follow the others.

I am going to miss him.

I ran up to the bridge looking over the river to make sure they would get out okay. There were a few guards there but I think I might be able to distract them.

Before I could make any noise I heard guards yelling. I looked behind me and saw some coming. I hurried and swung my bow around me and jumped down into the grass, so that I was alongside the water.

I had to jump down one more time and saw the dwarves going down the waterfall. I ran trying to keep up but the water's currents were stronger and carried them to fast for me to keep up.

I heard more guards coming out of the kingdom and saw Legolas up on the balcony/bridge lookout.

I ran towards the bushes to hide, but made sure to keep the dwarves in my sight.

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