Chapter 27

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I looked around me. I had landed on my back on the ground. A sharp pain grew on my side. I looked around. I am surrounded my orcs and dwarves. I could barely see anymore elves.

I quickly got up and thrashed my sword around.

"Amara!" Thranduil yelled.

"I am fine! Go to the city! I'll meet you there!" I yelled.

He looked unconvinced, but I am going to stay here. And he knows I'll have my way.

He rushed towards the city and I fought along side the dwarves.

I eventually bumped into Dain.

"What are you doin'?" He yelled.

"Fighting with you!" I yelled and stabbed an orc behind him.

My answer and action seemed to satisfy him and we quickly began fighting again.

There were so many.

I saw one of the dwarves laying there and an orc was hovered over him, going to stab him. I took out my bow and arrow and shot it as it swung. The dwarf looked shocked and then back at me. I ran over to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

He nodded and I quickly helped him up and we began fighting again.

My sword was covered in blood. I had to have hope. Hope is what I needed. Screams pierced the early light of day. Orcs had invaded the city, along with trolls. I hope Tilda, Sigrid, and Bain are okay. I hope everyone is okay.

They shouldn't have to go through this. Nobody should.

I stabbed everything around me. Orcs were coming. More and more. I watched as trolls threw rocks at the city and many continued to invade.

"Where's Thorin?" Dain cried.

I looked at the Mountain. Would they not come?

"We need him. Where is he?" Dain looked around.

We were standing next to each other, trying to keep orcs away. Trolls made their way towards us, smashing down on the dwarves.

This could be the end. My end. I hope Legolas is okay, wherever he is.

*Kili's POV*

Amara is out there. With all those orcs and trolls. For all I know she could be dead right now. We had to go out there. We had to help them.

I sighed.

Fili put his hand on my shoulder.

"She could be dead." I whispered.

"Amara is with Thranduil." Fili said.

"Do you really think that he could save her?" I asked.

"Of course."

"What happens if Thranduil is slaughter? Then what? Who is to protect her then?" I said and got up.

"I know she is a warrior. I also know that we should go out there." Fili said.

"I'm going to speak with Thorin." Dwalin said and got up and went to the Throne room where Thorin was.


A few minutes later Dwalin came back.

He sighed and sat down. He held his head in his hands. I wondered if he was crying.

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