An Arranged Marriage

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My name is Amara. I'm the youngest child of Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian. When I was 226 years old, my mother was taken by orcs and tortured. My older brothers went on a search and found her. They brought her back and no matter how much my father tried to heal her, she passed on. She's now in Valor and one day we will meet again.

I remember her very well. She had these pretty blue eyes and blonde wavy hair that went farther then her waist. We have a picture of her hanging in the throne for remembrance.

My father has been lonely lately. He's been going off with the guards to check on the land outside our borders, always returning with a great tale to tell when he comes home. I'm now 658.

My father has arranged for me to marry another, one that I barely know. I've never really met him. He's Thranduil's one and only child. When my father went to Mirkwood, he told me he had official business there. That business is to have me marry Thranduil's son, Legolas.

Now I have no problem marrying him, I just wish I could love him. I barely know him and that's not love. I want the type of love my parents had and the type of love my grandparents, Galadriel and Celebourn have. I think my older sister, Arwen, is the only one that understands. It doesn't matter though, because in a matter of days I am to start my journey to Mirkwood, along with my father and sister.

I don't know how things are going to
turn out, but I'm hoping they work out and that everything will be okay...

I OWN NOTHING BUT THE CHARACTER AMARA. Everything is based off the plot of the Hobbit. Credits for the hobbit go to Mr. Tolkien himself. I wrote this to have fun and open a dramatic side to the Hobbit. Please enjoy.

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