Chapter 10

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Lake town had a cold feeling. You could tell people were suffering here. It was cold and they had little to eat. 

I sat down so that I wouldn't attract any attention to people. I didn't want them to stare us down and become suspicious.

I sighed. I wondered what Legolas was doing. He's probably found out I've left. I looked up to the sky. It would be getting dark soon.

"How has it been living here?" I asked Bard.

"Not easy, especially with three children and no wife." He said.

"I'm very sorry about that. If you ever need help send word to me in Mirkwood I would love to help. Especially if children are involved. I know I am merely a child myself, but I some day plan to have some and I know I wouldn't want them to go through this." I told him.

"Thank you, Lady Amara." He whispered and steered his way through Lake town.

We finally arrived some place where we could dock. Bard began to kick over the barrels pushing the fish all over the barge and angry dwarves moaning and groaning.

A man had wandered over to look at what was happening.

"You didn't see them. They were never here. And neither was I." I told the man and handed him some coins.

"Follow me." Bard said.

We hurried under small houses, trying to make sure not one of the dwarves were seen. 

"Da!" A boy about my height said.

"Our house, it is being watched." The boy said frantically.

Bard looked around thinking of what to do.

"I'm sure they can get in through another way." I said.

Bard thought for a moment before telling the dwarves to follow him and for me to stay with the boy.

While we waited for Bard to come back I learned that this was his son, Bain. 

Bard came back and we carried a few buckets of fish back to Bard's house. 

I looked around at the people here. Some were doing things normal people would do, but I could tell that they were the spies that Bain was talking about. Bard had noticed my stares and he too caught on to what was happening.

We walked up the stairs and I couldnt help but feel bad for Bard. He was a good man, he had no wife and is raising his three children by himself. I'm sure people watching him didn't make anything any easier.

"You can tell the master I'm done for the day." Bard said to the men below. 

I couldnt help but smile a bit and then we walked into his house.

"Da! Where have you been?" A little girl said running to the front door.

"Father! There you are! I was worried!" Said another girl about my height.

The both hugged him and I tried to remember the last time I hugged my father. Over a month ago when he was leaving Mirkwood.

"Here Sigrid." Bard said handing the oldest one the basket.

"Bain, get them in." Bard whispered to his son.

The little girl stared at me with eyes full of shock and curiosity.

"Are you an elf?" She asked.

"I am. My name is Amara." I told her.

She stared at me with curiosity. She was so cute.

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