Chapter 19

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I walked with Bard. The girls and Bain were a few feet ahead of us. We were making our way to Dale, hoping to get there before nightfall.

We were over halfway there and I kept letting my mind run to Legolas. I also felt horrible, because even though I feel something for Kili, it would never work. Legolas and I were different yet the same. We would work.

"You're going to marry Legolas after all?" Bard asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I honestly haven't thought about marriage. I just know I love him. And right now my only priority is to help you and the people of Lake town." I said.

"You shouldn't put your life on hold for us." He said.

"Oh believe me, my life has been on hold for almost 700 years. I think I can spare a few months." I said.

Before long we began streaming into Dale. I looked around. Soft patches of snow were here and there, but we could take shelter in the empty houses. There was plenty of room for everyone. I just wondered if there was going to be enough food and drink.

"Come on, keep moving." Bard encouraged the people.

"Sire!" Alfrid yelled.

We both looked up.

"Let's go see what he wants." Bard murmured and I went with him.

We ran up some steps and were on the same platform that Alfrid was on, it was looking towards the Mountain.

"Look sire, the braziers are lit!" Alfrid pointed and they were in fact lit.

I could also see the dwarfs shadows. I knew we had caught their attention. Were they going to come great us? Or stay in there? Maybe we would have to go to them.

I just looked at the mountain, trying to make out which one was Kili, but I couldnt.

"So, the company of Thorin Oakenshield survived." Bard said.

"Survived? You mean there's a bunch of dwarves in there with all that gold?" Alfrid asked.

I was getting so tired of this little man. I was about to lose it.

"I shouldn't worry Alfrid. There's gold in the mountain enough for all." Bard explained. He had more patience then I did. Thankfully.

"Make camp here tonight!" I yelled down to the people. They looked up at me before rushing around trying to find a warm spot for the night.

"Find what shelter you can. Get some fires going." Bard told them.

I know he didn't want to be their leader or master but so far he was the best I had ever seen. He cared, truly, for others. He was looking out for these people when he could just he looking out for himself and his children, but he wasnt. 

I knew he was a great man from the beginning. I just hoped one day he would see how great a Master or leader he could be, because without him I knew these people wouldn't have survived.

Bard turned around looking at Alfrid.

"Alfrid, you'll take night watch." 

He sighed and walked over to the front to keep an eye on things.

"If you want I can take the night watch. I dont exactly know if he'll be able too." I said.

"No, I think its best if we all go get some rest. You need it, I need it, and the girls and Bain need it." Bard said. 

I nodded. I was a little tired, but it wasnt anything to serious.

Bard began to make his way back down the stairs, I turned and looked back at the Mountain before following him.

*Kili's POV*

We saw the people streaming into Dale. I had a feeling Amara was with them. Thorin ordered everyone to get as much stone and build a wall where it was cracked. I wondered why, but I didn't dare question him. 

He hasn't been acting himself at all since we got here. 

I know in my heart Bilbo was right but I dont want to believe it. If it happened to Thorin so easily could it happen to Fili and I?

I hoped not. 

I didn't want anything to do with the gold, I just wanted to be the best I could and help others, because that is what I was taught to do.

"I want this fortress made safe by sunup! This mountain was hard won. I will not see it taken again." Thorin said.

His words made me mad. What were people going to take, the mountain? Some gold?

"The people of Lake Town have nothing!" I said and dropped the cart.

I remembered the night when we were surrounded in Lake Town after breaking into the armory. Amara came out and explained that Thorin wouldn't end up like his grandfather and that Bard was the only man to have courage to kill the dragon.

She believed that we would honor our bargain. I didn't want that belief to go away just because my Uncle didn't want to spare a few thousand coins.

"They came to us in need. They have lost everything." I said.

"Do not tell me what they have lost! I know well enough of their hardship. Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be thankful for." Thorin said.

I picked back up the cart and began to help build the wall. I am angry and this seemed like the only way to blow it off.

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