Chapter 3

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*Amara's POV*

I watched as they disappeared behind the gate. I would miss them dearly.

I walked past Legolas and Thranduil and over to my room. I needed to clear my mind and I knew just how to do so.

I opened my closet and down on the floor behind my clothes I took my bow and arrows out. They were nice. My father had them made for me when I was younger. I also took out the dagger and clipped it unto my belt, before fastening my quiver to my back. I took my bow and I walked out to the balcony. I made sure that I had locked my bedroom door before hand, just in case someone came in and saw I was gone.

I left my balcony doors open, so I didn't lock myself out. I climbed down the trees and made my way over to the wall.

"Amara?!" Someone yelled.

I looked back and saw Tauriel from one of the windows looking out and calling for me.

I turned back around and jumped down the wall before she could say anything else.

I loved being in the forest. It was beautiful. I wandered around and tried to mostly stay in the trees, knowing Tauriel would try to come find me. I didn't care though. I was free and I loved it.

*Tauriel's POV*

I was strolling through the castle watching for any signs of trouble. I felt like I was the only one concerned for Dol Guldur letting its orcs roam free.

I saw someone dash into the shooting ranges and climbed unto the wall. I looked again and noticed it was Amara. What was she doing?

Didn't anyone tell her the dangers of being in the forest alone? Didn't she hear us at dinner last night about the orcs and Dol Guldur?

She is crazy.

I ran down the hall and tried to find Legolas.

I looked everywhere for him and there was no sign of him.

I decided to check outside and saw him making new arrows.

"Legolas?!" I said, running up to him.

"What?" He said, alarmed.

" It's Amara! I saw her go over the wall and into the woods, do you know what kind of danger could be out there?" I told him.

"We must go and get her then." He said grabbing his quiver and bow.

He went back and grabbed his sword and ran over to me.

"Should we inform you're father?" I asked.

"No, he's busy with things right now and I don't want Amara to get lost." He said.

I followed him over the wall and followed the direction she had gone in.

*Amara's POV*

I know this was really foolish and everything, but I loved it out here. I was currently swing from branch to branch and jumping into puddles. I was just having the time of my life.

Then I heard something.

I suddenly became still and listened. I heard a few things come, but I was too afraid to look.

I peeked through and saw three huge spiders. I could barely make out what they were saying, but I know that if I wanted to get out of here alive, then I should go in the other direction. But I mean there was only three and I was having fun. I could kill them and then continue my little 'adventure'.

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