Chapter 25

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I awoke when the run was barely shining through, I knew in just a few minutes everyone would be up and ready to make their way to the Mountain.

"Are you awake, Amara?" Thranduil asked.

"Yes." I whispered and got up and slipped on my boots.

I put all my weapons on and some of the guard had brought my extra arrows, making my quiver twice as heavy, but it didn't phase me. Thranduil got on his elk and held his hand out to me, pulling me up behind him.

When we left Dale I saw rows and rows of Elves at the front and men towards the side. We were side by side with Bard, as he is on a white horse and we made our way to the Mountain, stopping at the front.

The Dwarves were all staring down at us, but I kept my head locked on the sky. I made eye contact with Bofur, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead he looked down.

Kili was standing next to Thorin. A look of sorrow was on his face and he was looking down at me and Thranduil. This wasn't going to go well.

When we were in the front, I took a deep breath. I looked to my left and stared at Bard for a few seconds. I knew he wasn't comfortable with what we were about to do, but Thorin needed to honor his word. And if this was the only way to do so, then so be it.

I finally looked up again at Kili, he was staring down at me.

When we stopped, Thorin pulled out a bow and arrow and shot at us. Hitting the ground.

Thranduil was big and blocked my body, so I knew I wasn't going to get hit, but what about him? Thranduil looked up at Thorin with a shocked look on his face.

"I will put the next one between your eyes." Thorin said. All the dwarves started shouting.

Thranduil looked at Thorin and suddenly the elves behind us took out their bow and arrows, aiming them at the mountain.

All of them quickly ducked. Except for Thorin. When was he going to learn?

He had this crazy look on his face and in his eyes. I knew he was sick. Whatever Gold was in the mountain was making him that way. Thorin pulled out another arrow and aimed it at us.

Thranduil lifted up his arm, signalling to the guards to put their weapons away. Everyone was silent.

"We have come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered and accepted." I said.

Kili looked at me, confusion written all over his face.

"What payment? I gave you nothing." Thorin yelled.

Kili looked at me, confusion on his face. I could already read his mind. 'What do you have?'

"You have nothing." Thorin said.

Thranduil and I looked at Bard. Bard looked at us before pulling the Arkenstone out of his coat.

"We have this." Bard said, holding the stone up so they could see it.

Thorin looked at it, his face dropped and he lowered the bow.

I looked at Kili, he wasn't staring at me anymore, but at Bard. He looked confused.

"They have the Arkenstone." He whispered.

And then he looked angry.

"Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the King!" Kili yelled.

"And the King may have it, with our goodwill." Bard said and tossed the stone around in his hands. He looked back up at the dwarves. Then he put it back in his coat.

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