Chapter 1

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The sunlight was barely shining through my window. I tried to pull the blanket over my head in hopes of being in the dark, but someone had burst through my bedroom door.

"Wake up Amara!" I heard Arwen yell as she pulled the blanket off of me and began to open the curtains.

"Arwen.." I groaned.

"Don't Arwen me. Wake up! Father wants us to leave in two hours." Arwen said looking in my closet for an outfit.

"Why do we even have to go? We can save everyone's time if we just call the marriage off." I said, getting out of bed.

"C'mon, do you know who Legolas is? He's very kind and handsome and amazing with a bow and arrow. He can fight like no other." Arwen said.

"Then why don't you marry him."

"Amara, I don't love him, and I don't think I could grow to love him. Father must've saw something and wanted you to be together." Arwen said.

"I wonder what that could be..?" I started thinking to myself.

"Amara, stop thinking it won't do you any good. We know how stubborn father is and he really wants you to do this. Just imagine he saw something good." Arwen said.

"Fine." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window.

"Your bath is ready." Arwen said a few minutes later.

"Thanks." I whispered.

" You're welcome. Just call me when you're out." She said and walked out of the room.

After she walked out I closed the bathroom door. I took off my white nightgown and unbraided my long brown hair. It was naturally straight and a dark dark brown. It could sometimes be mistaken for black. My eyes were like my mother. Bluish-green and my skin was a milky white.

My personality was different than other elves. I wasnt always graceful and I was always practicing shooting and sword fighting. I loved it. One day I was going to go to battle with my father and I would help him and others.

After I was finished washing I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes shown bright. I felt odd. I dried myself off and walked into my room.

Arwen had laid out my outfit. It was a light blue dress with a matching cape, since we were going to be traveling. It had a small belt that went across the waist and flowed down in the middle. I had my necklace on.

My mother had given me my necklace when I was just a baby. It was a silver chain with a crescent moon connected to it and in the middle of the crescent moon was a full moon. It was blue.

I sat in front of my mirror and brushed my hair. It was getting longer and longer. My hair grew like a weed in the garden, I swear.

Arwen walked into my room.

"Arwen, you look beautiful." I said.

"Thank you. And you will as well as soon as I'm done with you." She said coming next to me and taking the brush.

She slowly began to brush my hair.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"Of course. I barely know him, and I've only actually met him once. Well we didn't actually meet each other we were just at the same party." I said.

"Yeah. I see good coming from this." Arwen said, smiling down on me.

"That is only because you are not the one marrying him." I said.

Arwen laughed.

"Oh Amara! It can't be that bad. If you two really have problems I'm sure father will have you come back home." Arwen said.

I sighed.

Arwen took a long silver hair piece with leaves on it and began to intertwine it with my hair.

She took my silver circlet with the blue diamonds and placed it on my head.

I looked in the mirror and I could honestly say I felt and looked beautiful.

Arwen handed me another piece of jewelry that intertwined around my hand and it looked like tree branches were on my hand. It was really pretty. I loved it.

"Thank you." I said, hugging my sister.

"You're welcome Amara." She said hugging me tighter.

"Everything is packed." My father said, walking into my room.

I let go of Arwen and nodded.

"Thank you, father." I said.

"It is time to go." He said.

Arwen and I nodded and walked out with him.

"We will be there before dinner if we take these horses." He said.

We both nodded and I looked back at my two older brothers.

"We are gonna miss your face around here." Elladan said.

"I'm going to miss you all too. So much." I said.

"We love you, Amara, do not forget that." Elrohir said.

"I won't ever. I love you all too."

We hugged before I turned and looked back at my father.

"I trust you two to keep things safe while I'm gone. I should be back in two days time." My dad told them.

"Yes, father." They both said.

I hopped on one and Arwen on the other. We began to take off towards the Misty Mountains and farther away from the one home I had ever known, Rivendell.


By the time we had reached the outskirts of Mirkwood I was so stiff and wanted off of my horse.

"Hello, Lord Elrond. King Thranduil had told us to meet you here." A guard said.

"You must be Lady Amara. Thranduil and Legolas are very anxouis for your arrival." The guard continued to say.

I nodded and smiled.

We left the horses at the entrance with three guards from Rivendell, and made our way further into Mirkwood.

It felt like hours and hours before we finally arrived in front of the gates to King Thranduil's Kingdom.

I gulped as they opened. I was getting more and more nervous. My hands were starting to sweat a little and my eyes got bigger and bigger with every step we took into the kingdom.

Arwen layed her hand on mine and we were guided to the throne room, where King Thranduil was to be waiting.

"Let me go inform the King of your arrival." The guard said, bowing and walking into the throne room.

"Everything is going to be okay Amara, I promise." Arwen whispered into my ear.

I nodded and kept my eyes on the door, waiting for the guard to come back.

After a few seconds he came.

"Lord Elrond, Lady Amara, and Lady Arwen, the king wishes to see you now." He said and held the door open.

"Thank you." I whispered to him and walked in with my father in front of me and Arwen at my side.

"Welcome, my friends." Thranduil said.

I looked up and as soon as I did I was captured by the site of the young elf standing next to him.

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