Chapter 18

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*Amara's POV*

I walked over to Legolas who was standing by a tree, watching everyone. I knew he was deep in thought.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, earlier." I said.

"I know you didn't mean it. I shouldn't of left you, you're right." He said.

"And I'm sorry for everything else before that..." 

"Why would you be sorry about all of that?" He asked.

"Legolas, you know what I mean. I know you know about Kili." I said.

"I understand you might have some slight feelings for him, but I know you love me just as much. Yes, it breaks my heart that you might want to be with a dwarf and not with me, but I also want you to know that I'm not ever giving up on you." He said.

I am shocked by what he says.

"You're right. I have feelings for Kili and I love you." I whispered the last part, my cheeks turned an awful bright red and I stared at the ground, afraid to look at him.

His fingers were on my chin and he slowly tilted my head up, making it to where I had to look him in the eyes.

"I remember the last time I saw you blush. It was the day we met, do you remember?" He asked.

Of course I did. It was over a month and a half ago but I remembered being absolutely terrified and nervous to meet him. Knowing he would be my husband. And then I saw him and I was so captivated by him.

"I remember." I said and chuckled a bit.

 "I love you, dont forget that." He said and before I could say anything else his lips were on mine. Our lips were slow at first and then they moved in perfect sync. Butterflies filled my stomach immediately. I wanted to stay like this forever. His arms were wrapped around me and my hands were on his chest.

Suddenly someone was standing next to us and cleared their throat, quickly making Legolas and I pull away. I was still in his arms though.

"We need to talk about the orcs that came into Lake Town last night, before Smaug attacked." Tauriel said.

Heat rose into my cheeks, she looked kinda irritated. I felt bad, I remembered she likes Legolas, or at least I think she still does.

I looked at Legolas.

"Where did you go? What did you see?" I asked remembering last night.

"The orc I pursed out of Lake town, I know who he is." Legolas said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Bolg, spawn of Azog the Defiler. A warg pack was waiting for him outside of Esgaroth. They fled into the North." 

"Where do you suppose there going?" I asked.

"These Orcs I saw were different from the others." Legolas explained.

"Different? How?" Tauriel asked.

"They bore a mark I have not seen for a long time. The mark of Gundabad." Legolas said and I felt one of his hand clench up into a fist.

"Gundabad?" Tauriel asked, she was shocked.

"What is that?" I asked.

"An Orc stronghold in the far north of the Misty Mountains." He explained.

I then heard an voice, speaking in elvish.

"Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin 'winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le." The gaurd, Feren said.

"Tolo, Amara, Tauriel!" 

"My Lord Legolas, your father is not happy with either Amara or Tauriel." Feren said.

 "What?" Legolas asked.

"Hîr nín. Edlennen Tauriel and Amara."

"Edlennen?" Legolas asked.

Tauriel and I are banished from Mirkwood?

"You may tell my father that if there is no place for Amara and Tauriel there is no place for me." He said.

I looked at Tauriel and she looked down.

 "Well, King Thranduil wants to discuss things with Amara, but not until he is ready." Feren said.

"Tauriel has not done anything wrong, she should go back." I said.

"No.." Tauriel whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"I did do something, but I am not ready to speak of it." She said.

I looked at Legolas confused, but then with sorrow.

"You should go."  I said.

"No." He quickly said.

"He is your king. It is his command." I whispered, putting my hand on his cheek. He didn't need to leave what was left of his family to be with me. I didn't want him to have to do that.

"Naw aran nín, mal ú-gân innas nín." Legolas said.

Legolas turned away from Feren, sending him back to Mirkwood.

"I'm riding North, will you go with me?" Legolas asked Tauriel.

"To where?" Tauriel asked.

"Gundabad." He said.

"Yes, ill get the horse." She whispered and left us alone.

"I told Bard to keep you in his sight at most times." Legolas said, wrapping his arms around me.

"You still do not think I can take care of myself?" I questioned him.

"I know you can, it is more of assurance that you will be here when I return." He said.

"I am going with Bard to Dale, you just have to promise me that you will come back in one piece. Legolas, I know you may be hurt and I do not blame you, but I love you." I said.

A small smile crept unto his face.

"I know you do. And I love you. Be careful. I'll be back soon." He said.

He kissed me and then walked in Tauriel's direction. They both then took off on Legolas horse, to Gundabad.

I missed him already. I know what I want, what I need and that is Legolas. I hate that it took me this long to figure it out and now I was going to have to tell Kili. Kili is young, he will find someone who will love him, hopefully a dwarf. 

Someone who can actually be by his side without family always questioning or judging. I know Thorin probably doesn't want me or any other elves near that mountain. And after everything that's happened I dont think I can blame him.


So I need opinions NOW! Cause ya know, Amara and Leggy;)

Anyways here is the Elvish translations throughout of the chapter!

*Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin 'winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le.*- My Lord, Legolas. I bring word from your father. You are to return to him immediantly.

*"Tolo, Amara, Tauriel!*- Come, Amara, Tauriel!

*"Hîr nín. Edlennen Tauriel."*- My Lord... Tauriel and Amara are banished.

*"Edlennen?"*- Banished?

*Naw aran nín, mal ú-gân innas nín.*- Yes, he is my King... ...but he does not command my heart.


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