Chapter 2 - The Needless Worry Fated to Wither (Deadly Life)

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[Akihiko continued staring at Natsuko's corpse, laying there in the center of the gym. The others began to glimpse inside as well, getting a good look at the horror inside.]

Kishiko: "...W-W-What...? N-Natsuko...? This... This can't be... Happening..."

Tetsuya: "...Sigh."

Momoe: "...A-Ah...!"

Ryo: "So someone managed to take her out... And it seems like that 'someone' is standing right in front of us."

[Everyone's gaze immediately moves back to Reika, who has been standing besides Natsuko's body ever since it was discovered. She has been staring down at Natsuko, lost in thought.]

Reika: "..."

Uzume: "Oh? Silence? That is a fair reaction, I suppose. To be caught in the act is rather... irreparable."

Tetsuya: "...We don't know that she did it yet."

Kichiro: "She's right next to the body! And there's a knife on the ground right next to her!"

Tetsuya: "That..."

Reika: "...No, I understand."

Uzume: "Oh?"

Reika: "I understand that this killer seems to not be one to be taken lightly, to set me up like this..."

Kichiro: "Khehe, playing the blame game?"

Reika: "...I can tell you now, I did not kill her. Although I'm sure those words are to be taken with a grain of salt."

Ryo: "Exactly. We have no reason to believe the person that's most suspicious."

Hikaru: "Reika..."

Reika: "...Fine, then."

Akihiko: "Huh? Fine?"

Reika: "I suppose I should simply sit out of this upcoming investigation, then. I understand."

[Reika then simply walks towards the gym's exit.]

Ryo: "What? Hey, we're not done with you."

Reika: "...If you want to question me, I'll be in the library. I have some things to think over anyway, I suppose I may as well sit this one out."

[Reika then moves past the group and across the hall, into the library.]

Tetsuya: "..."

Gina: "Well, at least this'll be easy, right?"

[The room is silent in response to Gina's comment. Some are still trying to process Natsuko's death, while others are in contemplation of if Reika is truly the culprit. The silence is quickly broken by Lios & Muna entering the gym.]

Lios: "Hoho! Another life, taken by the blackened! I love it!"

Muna: "Indeed! This is finally starting to get interesting again! See? All they needed was that little push forward!"

Momoe: "..."

Tetsuya: "What do you want?"

Muna: "Oh? Did you already forget? We like to help you guys out a little with your investigation, so we give you the Eclipsed Report! Remember?"

Kishiko: "...T-Then hand it over and go..."

Lios: "Oh? Someone's a little cranky, haha!"

Kishiko: "..."

Hisoka: "...Kishiko?"

[Suddenly, Kishiko takes off in a sprint towards Lios.]

Kishiko: "AHHHH!"

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