Side-Story: Tetsuya Machi

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[Two years before the start of the Killing Game. A young boy enters his home, and finds a sealed envelope with the word 'Machi' written on the front, sitting on his kitchen counter.]

[Tetsuya: Age 15]

Tetsuya: "...A letter...?"

[He slowly opens the letter and takes out the piece of paper inside. As he's reading it... He thinks back to a week ago. He came home, and was immediately met with his father.]

Tetsuya's Father: "Look who's finally back. What took you so long?"

Tetsuya: "...Sorry. I... Thought I could stop for some food on my way home."

Tetsuya's Father: "Tch, whatever. Don't have that much of a delay in the future. Now, where the hell is it?"

[Tetsuya quickly reaches into his backpack, and pulls out a rather large wad of cash. His father snatches it from his hands and looks through it.]

Tetsuya's Father: "...This is it? This is all you won tonight?"

Tetsuya: "I... Sorry, I didn't win as many as I usually do. I-I swear I'll do better next week, but-"

Tetsuya's Father: "I don't give a shit about your empty promises, you've been losing more and more recently. You doin' this shit on purpose?"

Tetsuya: "N-No, no I'm not. It's just... It's not that simple. Besides, you know the amount of people willing to bet against me in that underground place are low... No one wants to play against a kid."

Tetsuya's Father: "Tetsuya, I don't give a fuck about your excuses! No one wants to play you? Then fuckin' make them play you! I don't give a shit how you do it, keep winning me that god damn money. You know damn well you aren't gonna eat without that."

Tetsuya: "..."

Tetsuya's Father: "What, out of excuses? Then get to fuckin' bed, and-"

Tetsuya: "Maybe if you spent nearly as much time working as you did in that casino, I wouldn't have to-"

[The next thing Tetsuya felt was a sharp impact against his face that sent him into the nearby wall. He collapses to the ground, holding his face in pain.]

Tetsuya's Father: "Shut your god damn mouth! Is it really too much to ask? I fuckin' raised you in this house, and you can't play a few matches of poker to earn your keep? Hell, if you can't do that, what's even the point of keepin' you around? Playin' poker and earning me my money is all you're good for. You can't do that? Then fuckin' kill yourself for all I care!"

Tetsuya: "..."

Tetsuya's Father: "Your mouth finally shut? Good. Get your ass to bed, and don't fuck this up when you play again next week. You lose a single goddamn one of those games, it's your ass on the line."

Tetsuya: "..."

[Tetsuya's father stomps out of the kitchen to his bedroom. Tetsuya is breathing heavily on the ground, and his eyes are slightly damp, although he's trying his hardest to keep himself from tearing up.]

Tetsuya: (Damn... I shouldn't have said anything, what was I thinking...? I let my emotions show too much... I need to maintain a neutral stance around him... A... Poker face, somewhat. I can't... Let my guard down. T-This is my fault... That was stupid of me... Forget it. I need to focus. I... I can't fail next week. I can't...)

[Back to the present one week from then, Tetsuya just finished reading the letter he found.]

Letter: "We know you cheated. Your pops is safe with us for now. 1 mil by next week. You know who we are."

Tetsuya: "...So that bastard is willing to go this far over a lost game..."

[Tetsuya reads over the letter again, verifying it's contents.]

Tetsuya: "...They took Dad..."

[Tetsuya thinks for about a minute about his next move. He then goes down the hall into a drawer. After rummaging through it for a bit, he takes out a lighter and quickly burns the letter.]

Tetsuya: "One week, hm...? I suppose that's plenty of time to get far enough away. These winnings should help too... Should still be careful, though... Always be cautious."

[Tetsuya spends a little while packing what belongings he needs in a backpack, and collecting the money he secretly kept from his father. After a while, he exits his home, heading to the nearby train station.]

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