Side-Story: Kichiro Omura

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[7 years before the start of the Killing Game. In the aftermath of a funeral service on a rainy day.]

[Kichiro: Age 9]

Bereaved 1: "...It's truly awful what happened. I'm sorry for your loss."

Bereaved 2: "Thank you. I imagine it's... Much harder on my brother and his wife. I mean... She was so young."

Bereaved 1: "Sigh... The best are often taken from us the earliest."

Bereaved 2: "True enough. The world isn't always favorable..."

[After a few minutes of talking, the two notice something.]

Bereaved 1: "...Who is that child over there? She's going to catch cold without an umbrella..."

Bereaved 2: "Hm? Oh... That's a boy, actually. His name is Kichiro."

Bereaved 1: "A boy? Yet he has braids?"

Bereaved 2: "Yes... He was a friend of Kimi. They were in the same class together. You know she aspired to be a hair stylist, I imagine those braids are due to her."

Bereaved 1: "Oh, I see... What is he doing, then?"

Bereaved 2: "I'm... Not sure. It looks like he's talking to someone..."

Bereaved 1: "There is no one near him though... Is he speaking to the grave?"

Bereaved 2: "Sigh, it would seem so. Perhaps he's just paying his respects."

Bereaved 1: "I suppose that makes sense..."

Bereaved 2: "That kid... Kimi would always talk about him when my brother brought her over my house. He's... Had a rough life, apparently."

Bereaved 1: "Oh... How so?"

Bereaved 2: "Both of his parents passed away two years ago, and his sister followed them a few months later. He's all that's left of his family."

Bereaved 1: "Oh dear... That's just awful..."

Bereaved 2: "Yeah... I remember Kimi told me something about two kids in their class, too. Part of their friend group. Both of them went missing a few months back."

Bereaved 1: "Missing? Now that you mention it... I remember reading an article not too long ago about a grade schooler's body found in a river. I do hope that's not related..."

Bereaved 2: "Sigh, I hope not... Despite all that, Kimi would always tell me how good of a friend he is. Always so cheery, funny... His grades are solid, too."

Bereaved 1: "I see... That's wonderful to hear, at least."

Bereaved 2: "There was this one thing she would tell me that never really made sense, though..."

Bereaved 1: "What is that?"

Bereaved 2: "Apparently, the kid talks a lot about ghosts. He says they're always watching over him, or something."

Bereaved 1: "Oh dear... That's no good. Kimi was friends with such an odd child?"

Bereaved 2: "Guess so. I always told her it was weird, but she wouldn't listen. I guess she always thought he was joking."

Bereaved 1: "I see... I do hope he doesn't continue to make other children believe that, it's no good for children to believe in such an awful thing."

Bereaved 2: "I mean... It could just be his way of coping, you know? Kids always have weird coping mechanisms like that..."

Bereaved 1: "Perhaps... Still though, thoughts like that cannot plague a child's mind for so long like that. It's not healthy."

Bereaved 2: "True enough..."

[After talking for a bit longer, the two go with the rest of the funeral goers to attend the post-funeral reception. Meanwhile, a young Kichiro remains at the grave.]

Kichiro: "...Khehe... Don't worry. I'll make sure your aspirations are finished. It's... My duty. After all, it's my fault... You're only dead because of my curse. Just like the others..."

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