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If you've never heard Lovehatehero, they're a guilty pleasure of mine, so I linked a vidya:)

January 2008

It came as a surprise to just about nobody to find out Jim and Amanda were getting married after a year of knowing each other, and doing it as fast as possible. Jim was one of those no regrets, I only have one mortal life out of a purgatory I don't know if I'll ever see again, yolo type people--and Mandy was just madly in love. And love made a chick like Mandy lose the one thing she was known for.

Common sense.

"I look so fucking fat in this. Jesus fucking Christ." Mandy spun. "Ugh. I need one without sleeves. I admit it."

"I've been telling you," Andrea smiled, getting up and handing her another dress. Mandy, Andrea and Noelle were dress shopping for a wedding happening a month from now on Jim's birthday. It was safe to say Mandy had turned into fiance-zilla. "Strapless with a flowing skirt would look hot as hell on you."

Something about the way Andrea talked pissed off Noelle in a way she couldn't fathom. She was a nice girl! A nice girl with stupid perfect hair and stupid beautiful eyes and a stupid fit figure and Noelle was irked by her very existence.

"You're right." Mandy hauled ass back to the dressing room. The fluorescent lights were giving Noelle a headache, but Andrea was chipper as ever.

A silence engulfed the two before Andrea broke it. Another thing that irked Noelle! Andrea was the kind of girl to fill silence with talking. Noelle and Mandy could just sit on opposite ends of the couch with their legs tangled for hours reading or writing or drawing and it wouldn't be a huge deal at all. Andrea just had to fill the space.

"So, uh, when do you think Brian might propose to me?" She said shyly. Noelle's eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "I mean, it's been a while, we live together, he knows marriage is something I want."

Noelle thought for a long and hard five seconds as she removed her stomach from her ass cavity. "Oh, uh... Andrea. I wouldn't bet on Brian marrying you." She immediately regretted saying so, because Andrea looked like a kicked puppy. "No! Not like that," She backtracked. "Brian is just the kind of guy to not tie himself down to anyone in that way. He isn't really the perfect fairytale in that way like Mandy and Jim." She gestured to the dressing room. "However. He's loyal. And compassionate. And will be there for you as long as you'll have him, boyfriend or not. You could definitely have a future with him. I would just cross marriage off your bucket list."

Mandy came out in the dress in time to break the word vomit, and Noelle gasped. Andrea just smiled, clasping her hands together. "Oh. My. Fuck. That's the dress."

And so they bought the dress.

Hearing Mandy talk about all the wedding preparations made Noelle realize how much she missed being in love, being in a relationship. How if Arin had never cheated, and actually proposed to her that day, she could have been married too. Seeing how happy Mandy was with Jim made her miss all the little things, like late night conversations and talking about how they would raise kids one day, or what they wanted out of their careers. The physical affection and all of that stupid junk. She was jonesing for it.

But it also made her realize she had never loved Arin like Mandy loves this guy, not even by a longshot.

She was in a long term relationship with Arin because she just didn't want to be alone. And coming to terms with that was hard, but it also made it easier not to go back to him. Especially on studio days. Such as today.

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