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There's only one way to wake up after your first time sleeping in months, and it's with a hangover with someone who is supposed to be a stranger's arms wrapped around your waist.

Arden carefully removed Brian's hand from around her, trying to straighten out her dress, It was tight, and scratchy, and not something she would ever typically wear. It also smelled like alcohol which made her want to hurl a little. She grabbed her purse from the nightstand, planning to make her way to wherever Anya was, before a moment of realization smacked her like a frying pan.

My fucking wallet!

She sat on the edge of her bed and dug through her purse until she found her wallet, sifting through coupons and spare money and credit cards to her ID.

626 Abbott Drive

"Lucky fucking bitch," She muttered to herself, wondering where the hell her phone was. She looked back over to the sleeping Brian, then to the ground, mentally contemplating whether she should wake him up, or Anya. It's safe to say she gave in to feelings instead of rationality. "Hey, uh, Brian?" She poked him with her ID on the shoulder twice. He flinched slightly, before rubbing his face and turning back around. "Have you seen my cell phone?"

"Yea, your dad called a few hours ago and I chucked it." He waved around a little before rolling onto his stomach. "Not a morning person," He groaned.

She saw her phone at the edge of the carpet and smiled. "Dad," She said lightly, running towards it and calling back the number labeled David. He picked up after three rings. "Dad, oh my god, I'm so glad to hear from you."

"What? Are you alright?" It was like her worries just melted right the hell away as she heard her father speak. "Sorry I called so early, I was just asking if you were coming home for late Christmas still."

"I wouldn't miss it." She smiled widely, her eyes straining from her headache.

"Just making sure hon. I know you're busy around the holidays and just wanted to check in."

"How's Dari?"

"Dari?" He asked. She held her breath, somehow knowing what she would hear wouldn't be good. "Who's Dari?"

Her heart sunk. "Oh, uh, nobody, I was asking a hungover friend. I just woke up."

"At 1pm?" He laughed. "How long were you even out last night."

"Not... Uh... long." She sputtered with a small laugh. "Just had a good time."

"Well I'll see you in a couple weeks hon. Love you."

"Love you dad." She said, her heart swelling slightly. Brian dragged himself up, half awake as Arden zoned out, her phone clutched to her chest.

"Hey," He said. "How'd you sleep?"

"Oh, like a rock." She looked back, snapping back in. "Matt's beds are just about the comfiest things ever."

"You're telling me." Brian attempted a laugh. "I had the funkiest dreams. Drunk thoughts and all I guess." She felt her heart clog, a small, pointless anxiety nagging at her.

"What about?"

"Drowning." He shrugged. "Fell through shallow ice and drowned. It was like I could feel the water." I can't dream channel then, obviously, or I'm just gonna fuck with his psyche. She realized. He shouldn't have remembered that yet. "There was a person screaming out for me, telling me to come back up. Screaming a different name. But that's enough of my weird fucked up-ed-ness, how's the hangover?"

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