Sano Manjiro

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So.. I'm back with a very very long chapter. I apologize for the wait and I am grateful to those that kept reading this book.

It's a long chapter since I got too hooked into the story of the series and its characters. This one's about 20k words, have fun :)). 

Disclaimer, I don't own any of the characters except only one and I reckon you all can identify who it is. 

P.S. I put a lil drawing on the bottom, cause why not lol

The doorbell rang, successfully pulling (M/n) from his slumber. The male groaned as he shifted from his spot on the sofa. He blinked his eyes open to see the creamy brown ceiling of his home.

He sat up slowly and sighed, rubbing his forehead then running a hand through his messy (H/c) hair. Pursing his lips, he stood up carefully from his spot and limped slightly to the kitchen island.

(M/n) vaguely heard two voices conversing outside before he grabbed himself a glass of water and splashed the whole glass on to himself. He sighed in content and trudged to the entrance.

"Are you sure?", He heard the muffled voice of his little sister carry through the walls.

"Just forget about it already!", A male voice he didn't recognize answered back to his sister.

(M/n) opened the door and blinked at the two figures who were once talking outside the door.

"Forget about wha?", He yawned and blinked sleepily at the two.

"(M/n)! You're back!", Tachibana Hinata, or Nata as (M/n) liked to call her, exclaimed and wrapped her arms around his naked torso.

" 'lo Nata, 'm home", (M/n) murmured sleepily and kissed her hair before shifting his (E/c) eyes to the male who was gawking at them.

(M/n) raised an eyebrow, "Nata, I know you look up to me but really? Stealing my type? Not only that, does Ma even know you've a boy— Oof!", He huffed as his little sister suddenly pressed a hand, roughly, into his stomach.

Hinata looked at her brother with a red face as she herself huffed in embarrassment.

"Takemichi-kun, this is my self-appointed older brother, (M/n) (L/n). (M/n), this is Hanegaki Takemichi.", Hinata gestured to the two. The blonde, Takemichi, looking at (M/n) nervously as the taller male looked him up and down.

The (H/c) haired male let out a small whistle before nudging his sister, "He's pretty cute, where'd he get the bruises tho?".

Both teens flushed with sputtering on Takemichi's side. (M/n) grinned, ah the joys of youth.

He quickly frowned at that thought, he didn't think he was that much older. Maybe a year or two but still, He didn't look that old, did he?

"Oi, Mitchi-kun.", (M/n) started, looking at the blonde haired teen.

Said teen gulped nervously as he looked into (M/n)'s eyes. "Y-yes?".

(M/n) inhaled deeply, "Do I...", crossing his arms and leaning on the open door frame, "look that old to you?" he pursed his lips while Hinata deadpanned at him.

"Erm.. Excuse me?", Takemichi blinked at him.

(M/n) pouted and just as he opened his mouth, Hinata let out a nervous laugh and quickly pushed (M/n) back into the house, slamming the door closed once he entered.

His pout deepened, he quickly pushed the door open, enough to pop his head out and see Takemichi bid farewell to his sister.

"Mitchy-kun! If you have any blonde and small friends, tell me! I like them feisty, alright Mitchy-kun?", He yelled and quickly hid back into the comforts of the Tachibana household, effectively dodging the wrath of Hinata.

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