Karma Akabane

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Zen:Blep :>

M-F: Hiiiii, :>

Zen: :>

M-F: Aight, sorry I haven't been on for a loooonnggg tiiimmeeee. I had my hands full =3= and ehehe, I also got a lot of ideas tbh.

Zen: Mhm, you also entered a rela---

M-F: Aighty, lezgo on with the story, shall we? Hehehe


The small electric fan buzzed as it fanned at it's fastest speed. Summer had come at them with a huge wave.

(M/n) sighed at his attempt of cooling off as he walked up the stairs to the building of Class 3-E. His long hair was now in a long ponytail. Sweat dripped from his chin as he reached the top, his small electric fan doing nothing to stop his body from producing farther more sweat.

He sighed once more at this and walked to the building.

Entering the building he looked arund at the hallway, seeing no one around, hearing no noise of his classmates. This made him curious as to why it was so silent.

He immediately headed for the classroom only to see it was empty. He checked his phone to see it was a monday, a school day. Why was there no one in the class room?

He went to the faculty and saw no one as well, where was everybody?

"(M/n)-kun~", An all too familiar voice called out from behind him.

(M/n) turned to see A big yellow octopus staring at him with a wide smile as it wiggled its tentacles. As if intended to make things weirder, the octopus was in a striped swimsuit.

"Ah, Koro-sensei. Is something wrong? Why is the building empty?", He asked the octopus tilting his head slightly and ignoring his teacher's choice of clothing.

"Nurufufufufu~ (M/n)-kun, Everyone is having fun at the pool~", It answered and gave (M/n) a pat.

"Eh?~ No fair~ Everyone's having fun, How come no one told me? Also, Pool?", The (H/c)-haired male pouted at this.

"Nurufufufu~ That's because I made the pool.", Koro-Sensei answered once again. His laugh making the other smile.

"Well then, shall we head back to them then?", (M/n) grinned at his teacher and headed outside.

"Wait, (M/n)-kun.", Koro-Sensei interrupted.

The said male hummed and turned to his teacher.

"Before we head there, I'd like to make a request.", Koro-Sensei grinned wider.

The innocent male tilted his head once again.


Splashes of water, and teens playing around was heard as they neared their destination.

"S-Sensei... is this necessary?", (M/n) asked his teacher as He pulled a very familiar black blazer to cover his body.

"Nurufufufufufu~", was the only reply before they were suddenly in the middle of the forest with the sounds of splashing and laughter filling their ears.

"Aha! Sensei! Where did you go off to?", A male voice chirped then splashes followed.


(M/n) flinched and immediately hid behind Koro-Sensei in hopes of hiding himself.

"Nurufufufufu~ I just had to fetch someone that's all~", The yellow octopus grinned wider and stepped aside to show them (M/n).

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