Ohma Tokita

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Shining (E/c) eyes watched with bated breath as the match before him ensured. His heartbeat booming at his ears while sweat formed on his forehead.

In Battle, The muscular blonde grinned with blood dripping from his fingers and scalp. His Opponent was now bleeding from not only his arm but from his chest as well. Sweat formed on the latter's forehead, allowing black strands to stick, sharp calculating eyes gazed at the man infront of him.

"Ohma!", He shouted but was left unheard as the crowd continued to cheer for a victor. The people surrounding him wore maniac grins with large crazed eyes, hungry for something he did not know nor understand.

(M/n) looked around and saw a man with glasses, seemingly sweating even more than the two males engaged in battle. He seemed to know Ohma with the way he looked to be worried for the other.

The man seemed to be acquaintances with the fancy-looking man next to him and the attractive blonde woman. The (H/c) haired male raised an eyebrow at this but turned back to the match, seeing the two fighters talk about something he could barely hear over the sound of his heart.

"That kid is done for.", A lanky man beside him bellowed. (M/n) growled slightly but let it go,

Come on, Ohma. You can beat him.

The toned black-haired male set his stance and the battle continued once more. The blonde striking with open palms and razor-like fingers as Ohma blocked. Three freshly hit parts were now joining in marring the young man's injured body yet, he only clicked his tongue and swung a roundhouse at his opponent.

The blonde fell to the floor, staining it further with blood, and grinned as Ohma's leg started bleeding as well. (M/n)'s breath hitched, watching the fight unfold, yet he remained unmoving and trusting of Ohma's next move.

The crowd cheered once more, seeing the fighter of the Nogi group fed their thirst however,

They wanted more.

"Cut him to pieces, Rihito!", A man in the crowd shouted, most had agreed to his statement with shouts of their own.

Fortunately, Ohma was not one to listen. He smirked, black eyes glinting as he said something (M/n) couldn't hear before he started walking close to his enemy. And once close enough, everything stopped. (M/n)'s heart rammed at his ribs, (E/c) eyes worriedly running over Ohma's wounds, fingers curled over to dig into sweaty palms.

The blonde, Rihito, swung at his prey, his open palm promising more than just mere scratches, yet they did not reach their goal as another open palm hit it the same.

Shock painted everyone's faces aside from (M/n)'s which was now relaxed with relief.

Rihito swung once more with his other hand, but was blocked at the wrist by Ohma, leaving him unable to strike with his weapons. The Former growled at this and started to put his weight onto his palm, hoping to push back his opponent. Ohma stepped his foot back, and watched as the giant infront of him fall unto his knee.

The Black-haired fighter swung a leg at the blonde's head, and removed his block to the other's swing, sending his opponent spiraling then punching the jaw. All while keeping their palms connected, He jammed his foot to the other's head, rendering the blonde unconscious.

He won.

The crowd went into silence before cheers erupted. A new fighter had been born.

(M/n) grinned and rushed to Ohma's side.

"Ohma!", He shouted with joy, hands clutching at his little bag. He had almost forgotten he had carried first aid kits for every time the black-haired male started or got caught in fights.

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