Draco Malfoy

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M-F: aaaannndd another oneshot😂😂😂😂

Zen: Do I get to appear in this one?!

M-F: Depends .-. If I get bored and want to spice things or make it more random. Oh and let's pretend the others didn't die.

Zen: Awww~

M-F: again, We don't own any of the characters aside from a few added, like Zen.

Zen: Rawr :3


The (H/c) haired male walked down the empty hall. His head was turned to the side, gazing out the windows as he walked. His hair bounced as his tail swished at every step he took. He hummed distractedly, not noticing a certain trio rushing towards a direction, opposite to where he was heading.

A redhead bumped into him making him stop and look down.

"Ah! Sorry (L/n)!", A voice rushed in a british accent.

(M/n) blinked his eyes, the ears atop his head twitched and he smiled at the three. "Hello as well, Weasley. I see Granger and Potter came here as well, To the reunion I pressume?", He raised an eyebrow at the three who smiled back at him. His nose twitched at smelling something from them. Not blood but something else.

"Well... you see.... We're headed to the Hospital wing....", Harry dragged on making (M/n) tilt his head and raise an eyebrow curiosly.

"And for what exactly? I can't really smell any blood on you.", Yes, (M/n) was a werewolf. Much like Remus Lupin, He was incredibly smart and witty. But he wasn't a Gryffindor. He was a Slytherin. But he liked to socialize in his past years in hogwarts gaining him the name of 'Nicest Slytherin'.

"Ah.... Well.... it's about this....", Hermione took out her hand from behind her and in it was a ferret that looked oddly familiar. It stared at (M/n) and squeked then thrashed, trying to get out of Hermione's hold. It's eyes were a very familiar gray with blue tints.

"Well, That's..... interesting~", (M/n) smirked making the ferret thrash more. It scratched Hermione's finger in the process making her squeak and drop it causing it to run towards (M/n). It climbed up his legs to his neck where it stayed.

Hermione muttered a small healing spell at the cut and looked to (M/n). "Fred and George managed to turn Malfoy into a ferret. Minerva told us to take him to the infirmary.", She said and shook her fingers around, checking for any other afflictions.

"And since he seems to like you more than the three of us, We'll be taking you with us.", Ron said and dragged (M/n)'s arm.

(M/n) sighed and looked to the other two pleadingly. Harry smiled at him while Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron's antics. (M/n) sighed. So much for taking a small walk, He thought.

He looked to the huge window to see the moon almost showing out the clouds. Hermione followed his stare and sighed.

"It's almost time, huh?", She said to (M/n) who only smiled at her.

"It is, but fret not. I can control myself. I am an adult now.", He scratched at the ferret's head, just behind the ear. The ferret let out a purr? Or was it a growl? Oh well.


"Looks like the effects will be gone in just a few hours, quite lucky you are.", Madame Pomfrey said as she waved her wand, checking for any injuries or wounds.

"What exactly made him turn into a ferret again?", She turned to the Golden trio who laughed sheepishly.

"Fred and George put something in Malfoy's drink then Poof! He's a ferret.... Again", Ron explained with the added hand gestures.

"Hmm, Alright but Why exactly is he still at Mister (L/n)'s neck?", This time she turned to (M/n) who shrugged and answered,"Don't know, I guess he wants to be my neck warmer for the night."

Draco huffed at his position on (M/n)'s Neck and returned to just lying there and staring at his surroundings.

(M/n) sighed and turned to the huge window on his left, his had subconsciously caressing the soft silky fur of his new neck warmer. The moon was now only partially covered, clouds slowly being pulled away from the huge body.

Madame Pomfrey noticed this and ushered them out, secretly giving (M/n) something, then closed the door on them not before saying a good night.

Silence fell upon the group as they stood at the entrance to the Hospital wing. Ron's eyes darting around the hallway, Harry is staring at the floor, Hermione fiddled with her fingers behind her back, Draco and (M/n) were taking in each others warmth.

Harry broke the silence by coughing awkwardly and shuffling slightly.

"I guess you get to take care of Malfoy now, (M/n)?", He asked awkwardly,

"It seems I would be, However what if--", (M/n) started but was cut off by Ron who clasped his hands together and smiled at him widely.

"Is only a what if! Thanks (M/n)! Have fun!", The redhead grabbed his two friends and dragged them down the hall towards the Gryffindor tower most likely.

(M/n) stated at them blankly and sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked towards the window again for the Nth time and blinked. The moon was almost completely uncovered by now.

He made a dash through the halls and out of the huge castle-like school and ran through the forbidden forest, straight to the small house that had been built for him and his circumstances.

Once inside, He slammed the door closed and immediately ran to the bedroom at the second floor. He started to remove his clothing and stopped as he heard a squeak. He blinked and raised a hand to his neck, still feeling Draco holding onto his neck.

"Ah, I'm sorry Draco. I forgot you were there.", He removed Draco from his neck and gently placed him on the bed.

"Just stay there, ok?", He smiled at the ferret but groaned as the moon became clearer and clearer.

Draco let out a squeak and did his best to cover his eyes with his paws as (M/n) removed the last piece of clothing that he had.

(M/n) fell to the floor and grunted slightly at the feeling of his bones shifting and growing as fur started to cover his body, He closed his eyes at this and once he had opened them they were a bright gold.

Draco cautiously removed one paw from one eye and looked around then standing up and walking to the edge of the bed.

Bright Golden eyes peered at him from a mass of dark black fur. It sent chills down his tiny spine. The black wolf neared him and sniffed him, making him freeze as the wolf took in his scent.

The two creatures stared at each other, no one dared to move. Until Draco felt a tickling sensation at his snout and......


He sneezed.

The wolf blinked at this and made a motion similar to laughing as puffs of air escaped it's nose while it's shining black fur shook with it.

Draco huffed, embarrassed at his action and turned his head away from the wolf sassily.

The wolf shook its head in amusement and proceeded to envelop the ferret into its black fur. The ferret squeaked once again before snuggling towards the source of warmth that is (M/n).

Both surrendered to unconciousness, still snuggled up to one another, as darkness filled their visions.


M-F: So.... tireddd....

Zen: I didn't get to appear in this one :<

M-F: So what.... I've overworked once again....

Zen: yeah, you barely had free time... not to mention your other problems...

M-F: Its fine, Hope you enjoyed this chapter. M-F is out!

Word Count : 1318 words

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