Bill Cipher(Part 1)

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(M/n) stomped in the woods of Gravity Falls. Eventually reaching a small clearing, He instantly headed to the center and lied down, trying to calm himself through the sound of birds' singing and the splashes of water nearby.

A small tick caused his ears to twitch and a growl emitted from his throat.

He sat up and looked to the source of the noise only to see a wolf with pure white fur and piercing gold eyes. From far away, a black patch is seen on the wolf's right shoulder.

The wolf huffed and trotted towards (M/n), rubbing it's body on him before being pushed away causing it to roll over on his lap.

'I do believe you owe me an explanation for suddenly running out of the humans' house.', the wolf mind-linked him and continued brushing it's body on the Male's lap.

(M/n) rolled his eyes at the wolf's antics before setting his hand on the soft white fur, softly brushing his hands along the white fur. Upon closer inspection, the black patch was a symbol of a crescent moon with one star at it's right and three dots under the moon.

He closed his (E/c) eyes and sighed. The events that happened earlier flashed through his mind again.

He was hanging out with the two humans who he had met during one of their so-called monster hunting adventure.

(E/c) eyes glanced down at Mabel who was bothering her twin brother, Dipper.

He huffed amusedly seeing Mabel ramble on and on about how Dipper should get a girlfriend, the latter arguing back saying that he had better things to do.

"C'mon Dipstick! You need to loosen up!", Mabel whined and constantly poked her twin at the waist. Eventually shaking his shoulders.

"Mabel stop it already! Go bother someone else!", Dipper argued and shook of his sister's hold on him. He opened The journal he had found years ago, coincidently on a page that involved werewolves.

(M-F: They're seventeen now :D and (M/n) is 20 :3)

This caught (M/n)'s attention,'So it has info about my kind as well...', He thought while going to Dipper's side.

"Hey Dipstick, mind if I read with ya on that one?", He asked looking at the shorter male.

"Uh, Sure I guess..", came the answer and scooted over on his bed allowing the werewolf to sit beside him.

"Thanks", and his eyes skimmed over the one paragraph about his kind.

"Werewolves are humans who can shapeshift into wolves after being placed under a curse. They gain supernatural abilities like inhuman strength, incredible regeneration, and enhanced senses. They live in packs lead by their Alpha.", He read outloud, raising an eyebrow at the first part.

There in the page next to it was a drawing of a Wolf, standing on it's legs as it's back hunched and it's forelegs resembled the arms of a human, the paw looking like a furry hand with elongated sharp nails. It was how the author seemed to see werewolves.

"That's just BS.", He muttered hoping to be unheard but fate had other plans.

Dipper raised an eyebrow at this,"How would you know?", He asked the werewolf irriratedly.

"Werewolves aren't cursed, We are just born wolves. Does no one think that we can reproduce?", (M/n) retorts before realizing what he had said.

Dipper widened his eyes at (M/n)'s statement,"..We?..", He repeated.

(M/n) immediately stammered to make an excuse,

"Uh, I mean, They of course. I just like referring it as we.", He lied and gave a nervous laugh.

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