Katsuki Bakugo

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Yeah, this uh.. Idk, I was gonna post one on this dude a few months ago but the chapter was unsatisfactory in my opinion and so, therefore, I came up with this. I'm gonna be a fuck ton more busy the next few months, damn it.

So, enjoy this chapter Ig? Early warning, mentions of sex and erotica. Pretty sure y'all know what that means :/


Shuzenji Chiyo was old. With old age, came many experiences. Years of handling the ever so often visits to her office within the massive institution of UA- along with her years of practice to become a professional doctor- shaped her into the woman she is now.

You'd expect her to remain calm in situations such as the one she was stuck in right at this moment, however that wasn't the case.

"(M/n)..", barely heard in the room as she stared at the teen before her.

An (H/c) haired male kept his head bowed, successfully hiding behind his dirty oily bangs. He slouched, to others it would seem as if he was being lazy but to Chiyo- she couldn't help but grip her right hand into a fist- the teen was being defensive, curling slightly to protect his front.

Chiyo tried to maintain her professionalism. Years of training had mended her for this. Years of practice had prepared her to be of use. But it didn't stop the ache of watching her grandson- her last relative- be defensive of her like she was going to hurt him.

Her heart ached more as she took in (M/n)'s disheveled- no, wrecked - state. Scars marred the sickly pale skin that seemed to stick to (M/n)'s bones, like he had no muscles. Some marks were new, some looked old, some were still bleeding, while some looked infected. What hurt the most was the child's back. Deep rashes and burns, let it be old and new, they looked terrifying on a child.

Chiyo was old. She'd had years of training. She'd had years of practice. However, that was in a different matter. She'd finally found her possibly last relative. She was glad she'd found (M/n) however, she was angry- furious- that she'd found him in such a state.

She felt tears sting her eyes and willed herself not to cry in front of her grandson. Stepping closer slowly towards (M/n), she carefully lifted her arms to show she wasn't armed. She knew that despite having his (H/c) bangs over his face, the teen was watching her.

And like approaching a wild animal, she took slow steps. Being careful of her movements and making sure not to aggravate (M/n). Bright (H/c) wings erupted from the sorely burnt back of (M/n)'s, flapping vigorously before settling down around the small child. Chiyo's heart ached, immediately knowing that the wings- they were not his.

(H/c) curls lifted to reveal electrifying (E/c) eyes-not hers, nor will it ever be, it was a result of countless experiments- that made Chiyo freeze. Her breath caught in her throat as (M/n) finally seemed to open to her and show reluctant trust. (E/c) eyes peered at her, seemingly looking through her and into her very being. It made her both sad and afraid, only knowing what (M/n) had gone through in terms of a report, not knowing what the teen felt.

"It's okay..", She muttered, extending her hand towards the teen who flinched slightly, his (E/c) eyes zeroed on her extended hand. A few ticks of the clock later, (M/n) seemed to decide that Chiyo was not going to hurt him and finally let himself relax in her presence, taking her hand in his. The (H/c) wings melting off, leaving a trail of lava in its wake.

Chiyo exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding. She'd nearly burst to tears right there as (E/c) eyes stared into her own. Despite wanting to cry, she gave her grandson a comforting smile. He'd been through so much.

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