Inosuke Hashibara

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the mentioned characters in this story, Nor do I intend anyone who are reading this story. If ever anyone who owns the characters ask me to take the chapter down, It will immediately be done.

M-F: Have fun with this one~

Happy reading~


"(M/n)....", A familiar voice called out to him.

(M/n) looked around, he was in a field of grass and flowers. His (F/c) Nichirin Swords strapped to his hips, his kimono danced as the wind blew past him. He squints his eyes, seeing a toned figure a few meters away from him. He takes on a defensive stance, his dominant hand reaching for his sword while his knees bent ready to dash.

"(M/n)..",  The voice called out again. This time his eyes narrowed, his hand grabbing at the hilt of his sword, ready to fight if ever needed. The figure continues walking towards him, slowly he sees shoulder-length hair, toned muscles, and the familiar baggy hakama pants.

His eyes widened and he tries to reach for the figure ahead of him.

"Inosuke!", He shouts but everything went bright.


A male with messed (H/c) hair shot up from his slumber. His bright (E/c) eyes shot around the room, his breath short and ragged as his heartbeat raced. Sweat formed and slid down from his forehead to his face, his mouth and eyes open in shock.

He closes his eyes, trying to recall his dream. Why had he been so shocked? He sighed, failing to recall the said dream. He slowly stood up, his 5'11 figure rising and stretching. He stretched his arms up, feeling his back pop and yawning afterwards. He runs a hand through his (H/c) strands, feeling the sweat stick to them giving him an icky feeling. He sighs once again as sweat continued to drip down his body.

He walks out his room, leaving his messed up bed. He looks around, seeing bright green around him. He goes out to the front, turning  the corner and bumping into a hard chest.


He grins and says, "Good morning, Gyomei-san~!", happily giving the taller male a hug.

The soft-spoken giant smiled and muttered a greeting for (M/n), his arms gently returning the hug. Then his expression turned serious again, feeling the bandages covering the male's back.

He gently tapped the back, (M/n) humms.

(M/n) looks up and his eyes widens. He saw the stone hashira's face, slashed diagonally.

Gyomei got confused on his sudden behavior and tilted his head asking, "(M/n)?", making more blood dribble out of the wound on his face.

The (H/c)-haired male gasps and pulls back, the sudden force making him loose his balance and fall into his butt. His (E/c) eyes brim with tears and he scrambles back, only to bump into a set of legs behind him. He shakily looks up and sees a boar head, looming over him. It's tusks bloody, it's gray fur stained in patches of blood, dull eyes stared down at him, the snot dripping with blood that eventually landed at (M/n)'s cheek.



"(M/n)!", Inosuke shouts, shaking the other male's shoulders.

"Inosuke stop it!", Tanjiro yells at him, pulling the green-eyed male off of (M/n). Well, tried to. To his expectation, Inosuke didn't budge.
Inosuke frantically shook (M/n), He knew whenever the other male was in a nightmare. At this point, sweat formed on (M/n)'s forehead and his breaths turned short and ragged. Inosuke looked around with panic in his eyes, he saw the small pond near their location.

Out of sheer panic, He threw (M/n) out and into the pond. Then running to the edge of the pond, ready to rescue the other incase he drowns.
In the pond, (M/n) slowly got pulled downwards as gravity weighed him down. His eyes slowly opened, his (H/c) hair floating around him. Cool temperature surrounded him, making his body warmer. He slowly closed his eyes as one thought ran through his mind,

"So this is what it's like to be dead…",

He exhaled, bubbles forming and floating up to the surface.

Inosuke was panicking more and more, Tanjiro was still shocked behind him and didn't move. He closes his eyes and takes a huge breath before jumping into the pool, instantly swimming down. Opening his eyes a bit, feeling the water sting his eyes, He sees (M/n) floating lifelessly near the bottom of the pond.

He kicks his legs, forcing himself to go faster and upon reaching (M/n)'s body, He instantly swam up. His toned arm pulling (M/n)'s body close to his own.

Upon reaching the surface, he gasps for air while (M/n) was once again passed out. He panics again and yells at Tanjiro,"Oi! Monjiro!"

Tanjiro snaps out of his shocked state, and scrambles to his feet. Running out into the hallway and looks for help.

With Inosuke, his shoulder-length hair,  was dripping wet as his fringe sticked to his forehead. His grean eyes were wide in panic as his hands scrambled to find for a pulse on (M/n)'s body.


After feeling a pulse at (M/n)'s wrist, Inosuke calmed down a bit. His erratic heartbeat slowing a bit but still alarmed.

Inosuke huffed, his toned body hunched over (M/n)'s, his hand grasping (M/n)'s own tightly. He then let go and started blowing air into (M/n)'s mouth.

(M/n) started coughing out water, his eyes shut tightly before opening wide as he gasped for air. He looked around before settling his eyes on the unmasked Inosuke. He launches himself at the younger, his shoulders shaking and Inosuke felt the other whimper. He hesitantly hugged back. Awkwardly patting and rubbing cirlces on the crying male's back.

"I…ost…u…", (M/n) muttered, burying his face more into Inosuke's shoulder.

This was not the first time this had happened. But why had Inosuke panicked? It was cause they thought he'd be over it. Inosuke got lost in thought, absentmindedly rubbing the older male's back. Slowly but surely, (M/n) fell asleep again. His breathing evened out, his shoulders slowly relaxed.

Tanjiro, Giyuu, Sanemi, Zenitsu, and Nezuko came running in, Their eyes widened as they saw the two. Then slowly relaxed, they trusted that Inosuke got this.

Giyuu sighs, looking at (M/n)'s bare back. He turns to the group and gives a signal to be quiet and walk away.

Sanemi looked at (M/n) before slowly walking away.

Everything was going to be fine,

For now.


Inosuke sat beside (M/n), his confident and proud persona completely overshadowed by worry over the other male. His hollowed-out boar head sat on his head, covering his face. Under it, tears fell down. (M/n) was getting worse, he knew that. He knew (M/n) never got over the death of his closest friend. He knew (M/n) always got nightmares about it. But he also knew,

He couldn't do anything about it.

He couldn't control (M/n)'s mind or dreams. He knew (M/n) was slowly dying. Yet..

He didn't do anything about it.

What could he do? Force the stubborn male to spit everything out? He did, that only resulted in them fighting. Inosuke stared at (M/n)'s face, The long lashes curling upwards, the slightly parted lips, the unblemished skin. He looked peaceful. It was almost scary, No..

It was terrifying.

His eyes teared up, this time he removed his boar head and stared helplessly at (M/n)'s body.

He held in his sobs, tried to muffle them, while he grasped at his chest.


He bit his lip and gripped his hair.


He felt a hand touch his thigh. He flinched and looked up.

(M/n) was smiling at him, his hand weakly gripping Inosuke's thigh. His lips moved.

"I love you.",

And he was gone.

His hand fell down, body going limp, his eyes closing but his lips formed a smile. Inosuke's eyes widened and he snapped.

Running out (M/n)'s room, He ran straight to the woods. His thoughts ran wild.

Why Why Why Why Why Why?!

He continued running until he stopped at a cliff. He fell to his knees, screaming at the top of his lungs,


His tears continued falling, his body shook, grief showing in his green eyes.

Why would you say that when you're about to leave?

His chest ached, He felt like he was drowning.

Why would you leave me..?


Soooo, ehehehehhehe

Hope you liked this chapter, He's out of character I believe? Yeah I tried fixing that but I had no idea as to how soooo,

What I did is, Inosuke being overtaken by sadness and grief of losing another person who he adored and loved. I'm sorry in advance if it was not up to your expectations, :b

I'm simply doing this for fun and sometimes to take out stress.

Now, Thank you for everyone reading this book. I'm happy that you all like my writing, or atleast I think ya'll do HAHAHAHAHAH

I hope ya'll are safe and still mentally, physically, and emotionally stable, coz I sure as heck ain't AHAHAHAHHAHA

Anyways, see ya'll in the next chapter.

M-F, out~!

Word count: 1577 words

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