06 Count Dracula

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Walking into his office without knocking, I placed my hand on my hip."You sent Franky to come and fetch me! What a gentleman," I spoke, talking about when Franky picked me up on the side of the road, driving me the rest of the way to the back.

There he sat, on the corner of the wooden desk, reading a thick book, I saw a myriad of annotations, in different colours scribbled onto the page. I forced my gaze to ignore the veiny, thick arms holding the book in a gentle manner. His white, long-sleeved shirt was rolled up to his elbows. My eyes scanned over his large shoulders and the messy hair which lay flat on his head as I looked to the paperwork overflowing on his desk.

The slamming of his book echoed across the room, his hands clenching around the thick cover slightly. "I could feel your legs burning from exhaustion. It was distracting,"

"Oh, poor doggie, was I distracting you from reading your erotic book?" I stuck my lower lip out, a mock sympathetic voiced played on my lips.

He placed the book onto the desk, carefully putting it down. Folding his arms over his chest. "You really should knock before you enter my office, Dawn." His name rolled off his lips perfectly, making me gulp.

"Not gonna deny the sex book?" I asked, a teasing smile on my lips. He only walked behind his desk, beginning to sort through his paperwork. Smiling a little, I watched as he sorted the papers into 5 separate piles. "When am I going home, Mr alpha?" I asked.

He looked up at me through his lashes, his hands clenching the papers. "You really think that you're going home? You're my mate, my little pet, my plaything- get used to it," He growled, his upper lip snarling.

I sniggered, leaning against the wall "I'm nobody's plaything, you sexist fuck," I snarled, he ignored me. I watched him for the next 5 minutes, sorting his files. After he was 3 quarters of the way through, I took action. Strolling over, I slid onto the desk 'accidentally' knocking all of the papers onto the floor, mixing them up again. "oops," I whispered, my legs were on either side of him, my feet resting on each arm of his desk chair, he was trapped between them. Daring to look him in the eye, I leaned down to him, we were level, fury danced in those soulless eyes. "When am I going home, doggie?".

He looked me up and down. "The more you fight against me, the more satisfying it will be to break you," He uttered.

He spoke through his mind, to mine. He must be mind linking me- through the mate bond. That's kinda scary. The action made me shiver. He smirked. I glared. "Don't get it twisted, I'm the one with the power here," I grumbled.

He gracefully stood up between my thighs, placing both of his hands on the desk, either side of me, I now had no way of escape. He leaned down, we were eye to eye once again, "Are you sure about that, love?"

I tried to kill him with my eyes for a moment when nothing happened, I ducked under one of his arms, in the process, grabbing it, twisting it behind him and shoving him and his pretty face into the wall. "Yes, yes I am," I kept a firm hold on his arm, twisting it more.

A sick chuckle escaped his throat, before he somehow twisted around, pulling me to the ground with him, I was suddenly underneath him as he straddled my stomach, one of his arms holding both my wrists together above my head, he leaned in close to me, his nose inches away from mine. "You will never have power over me, love, never," His burning gaze nearly melted me, though I kept my stare firmly on him, once again trying to kill him with my eyes.

"If you want to break me, you will have to fix me first," I spoke once he had released me. I wiggled out from under him, standing up, I quickly walked towards the door. Slamming it on my way out. Can't break something that's already broken.


Looking at the witches mark that bore my skin, it made me sick. Nobody could know. I pulled the long sleeve over it. She could call me for any favour. Anytime. How do I know that she has kept her side of the bargain? My families memories could be erased, and I would have no idea, it's not like I can contact them and ask.

"Luna Dawn, is it?" I whipped around, my braid hitting me in the face. A man stood before me, chewing on a cocktail stick. His skin was sickly white, he had an extremely pointy nose. "It doesn't roll off the tongue well, does it?"

"Who are you? How did you get in my room?" I spoke, trying to sound as commanding as possible.

"Darling," He smiled, displaying his fangs. Vampire. "I can smell your fear," he used vampire speed to run behind me, his body pressed against mine. He used his long, slimy tongue across my neck, he held both of my hands behind me, not letting me move. "I also smell your disgust and hate. Oh, your hate is so strong, so, tasty," He sighed, his fangs grazing me.

I tried calling for help, for my mate, the servants.

He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "Your fears so strong, your mate can probably smell it," He inhaled again, "I heard rumours that a human is mated to The Timor's alpha," He bit my skin a little, ripping off the flesh, His jaw clenching as he saw my red blood drip down my back. I whimpered "I just had to get a taste," His body flinched, "and you did not disappoint, my princess,"

Grayson. Grayson.

I tried calling down the mate bond, I felt emptiness, nothing.


"I hope he will feel your pain," The vampire uttered, his fangs ripping back more of my skin, as easy as peeling a potato. A growl ripped throughout the packhouse. I recognised it, "The big bad Alpha is coming," The vampire sang under his breath. "Will he get here in time? Tik tok," His tongue licking my blood. "Oh, I wanted to torture you, to peel off all of your skin, but this blood is just too delicious," He forced his fangs deep into my body.

Mine and Graysons screams ripped throughout the manor. Grayson was sharing my pain. After a few seconds, my door was ripped from its hinges. My mate stood there, grabbing his own neck in pain. "Bye sweetie, I'll be back for more," The vampire whispered, before dropping me to the ground.

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