48 To Freedom To Peace

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2 weeks later

"So how's the boyfriend," I looked up at Hunter, a blush hinted on his checks as he looked away. He and Brayson had been dating for a few weeks.

"It's going good," He smiled, grabbing an apple from the picnic, my fingers flew to Jacobs necklace around my neck.

Bailey groaned in frustration, "Imagine meeting your mate on the battlefield! UGH! That is so romantic!" She huffed, wrapping her arms around herself.

Chuckling, I leaned against the tree. "You have a fucked up sense of romance Bailey." I took a sip of the animal blood, "Is Noah coming today?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, he said Tryan,"- my now 3rd in command in the vampire pack, "-will take over and he said he's gonna treat me to some seafood," She giggled, patting her belly. "How did I get so lucky." I chuckled.

"When you get home, say hey to Jacob for me, will you?" I asked her, smiling a little, Bailey nodded. Jacob had a grand memorial in my old pack, he was the star of the graveyard. There were new flowers there every day. The 6-year-old boy snuck into the battle and died in the grand fight against the vampires. The desperate memories of the little boy dying in my arms, the light draining from his eyes. It's something I will never forget, but the memories grow easier to deal with every day. My grip tightened around his necklace. It was his birthday today. I had gone to his memorial this morning, alone, it was in my old pack, I placed a sword onto his grave, the one his father had used. He wanted to be a warrior, he died for freedom. He died in glory, just like he wanted.

"You wanna have a race?" Hunter asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Hunter, I am a vampire, I am like 10 times faster than you okay? It's beginning to get boring beating you all the time," I nudged him playfully on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're such a sore loser," Brayson spoke from behind him. "Hey babe," He kissed him and sat down next to him, already grabbing some of the food.

The three of them fell into easy conversation as I leaned my head back against the tree. Both Grayson and I were awake all night last night. Both of us having nightmares about the war, the awful memories of my death still etched in my brain, I wonder if I'll ever stop having nightmares. "Did you know?" Bailey asked, stuffing some pie into her mouth as she faced me.

"Know what?" I took a bite of the moist chicken.

Hunter spoke for her, "Moms divorcing dad," He shrugged.

"Wait really?" I asked, my hands curling over my stomach. "What if he tries to kill me," I chuckled lightly, "I'm sure he will one day,"

My sibling's face grew serious, Brayson turned away, knowing this was a private conversation." We keep our promise. The promise we said in the Betas living room. Back home." Bailey spoke.

"We will always protect you, we failed in that task once, but will die before we let anyone hurt each other," Hunter spoke, his promise serious. I gave them a stiff nod, letting myself relax as I took another sip of my blood.

"Miss us?" I heard Noah call out. Turning around, I saw Grayson and Noah walking towards us. They had grown so close over these past few months, practically as close as him and Franky. Bailey ran up and kissed Noah, whilst Grayson sat next to me, kissing me, then my necklace.

"How's my favourite girl?" He muttered into my lips.

"Hungry." I replied, "How're the vamps?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.

"They're missing you, but Tryan has it under control whilst we are here," I nodded in reply, my eyelids heavy.

"Franky and Emerald are home from their honeymoon in two days," I smiled, knowing Grayson missed Franky almost as much as I missed Emerald. Their mating bond snapped into place after the war and they almost instantly got married after I had woken up.

Flicking my hand, a glass of champagne sat in everyone's hands, I raised my cup of blood. "To freedom," I placed a hand on my necklace, "To peace!"

"To peace," Everyone echoed, taking a sip of their champagne. I looked around, realising that for once, I was not an Unwanted Human, I was a badass, immortal, decedent witch, a queen vampire with an alpha for a mate and a bunch of beautiful friends as my family.

"Everything is fine, sleep my love," Grayson mumbled into my ear, pulling on my earlobe. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I closed my eyes. I knew then, it took my own death, to realise that life was worth living.

To freedom. To peace

Unwanted Human X AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now