26 Fire Decendent

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I returned to my house, sensing the tense atmosphere as soon as I walked through the doors. Walking around, I made my way to the 'business room,' it was just a long table with a few chairs. As I opened the door, all of the 8 men looked towards me. I noticed that there was no females present. Each one rose from their chair, giving me a deep bow, though the 8th didn't, he had a large scar on his face and he rolled his eyes once he looked at me, my scars, my dress.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything," I spoke, trying to suppress the anger laced into my voice. Jasmine has taken over my thoughts, I've been daydreaming of situations where she died a very brutal death- it's hardly my fault that I'm protective of my mate.

"No- no of course not Luna. It's just men talk," the one closest to Grayson spoke, he was older, "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little face about," Grayson clenched his jaw.

"I see." I raised my voice, trying to appear unfazed by the man's words. "Men's talk," I repeated sarcastically. "Because apparently, the hierarchy seems to believe we are back in the 1200s with the way you all treat Lunas," I've had enough of this sexist bullshit. "Probably because you old fuckers were born in the 1200s," Anger laced my voice, I had been in a shitty mood when I entered the pack, but his sexist bullshit is just adding on top of it. "Times change, people change, get over it," Age had no effect on wolves, witches and vampires, meaning it was difficult for obstinate men who have lived for thousands of years to change their minds on women. 

Dawn, don't cause a scene. I heard Grayson's voice in my head. I didn't look at him

I will cause a damn scene if I wish to I replied.

"Are you daring to talk back to an alpha? Human." The man rose from his seat, 

"It's Luna to you. Luna Dawn of the Timor Pack," I took a few steps toward him, I was the same height as him, I looked him right in the eye, not daring to break eye contact, "Be careful how you speak to me. Wolf." I looked up at him, giving him my best glare.

"Don't threaten me.-"

"-Don't give me a reason to" I spat back, stirring my magic. We glared at each other for a few seconds. I would not back down. I will never back down from a man.

"You better put a leash on your woman Grayson." The mans burning gaze did not move from my eyes.

I smirked, taking another step towards him, I could feel his body heat, his anger radiating from his skin. Our noses were inches from touching, I could almost feel his overgrown beard and curly moustache. "The only person who will be wearing a leash, is you, you sexist, weak dog."

That was when hell broke loose.

The man tried to pounce, though Grayson was quicker, punching the man in the face, dragging him away from me by the hair, throwing him against the wall. I didn't flinch as he was ripped from me. "How dare you try to lay a hand on her." Picking him up, he held him by the throat. None of the other alphas did anything, they only picked at their food, as if this was a regular occurrence.

The man's face began to turn a slightly blue colour. "Grayson," I called out to him, "Bloody barbarian," I uttered under my breath, causing some of the alphas to laugh. Walking towards him, I pressed my hand onto his shoulder, he flinched at my touch. "Don't cause a scene," I smirked.

"I will cause a damn scene if I wish to, love," The man was near death.

I spoke softly, grasping his free hand, "Let go, Gray," He complied, dropping the man and letting him collapse over himself. Subtly, I sent my magic over to him, helping him recover without his notice.

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