19 Phone Line

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"We played football then he got angry then he said 'Dawn left you' then I got angry and I said 'shut up you meanie' and then he said 'make me you dumb' and then I kicked the ball at his head."

I stifled a laugh on the other side of the phone, pressing my lips together, I made sure not to have any humour on my voice as I spoke, "Jacob, you can't kick balls at boys faces, no matter how angry you are,"

"It's not fair Dawny!" He whined on the other side of the phone, I heard him huff, "he was being mean! Why does he still get to go to school?"

Jacob had been excluded from school for 3 days for giving a kid a black eye, "because you responded with violence Jakey,"

"He told me to make him shut up and I made him! He asked me too!" I couldn't help it, I began laughing, "Dawny!" He whined on the other side of the phone, though he joined in with my laughter after I had snorted.

"Just don't do it again, okay Jakey?" I smiled, lying in bed.

I heard covers shuffling, I knew he would be in bed by now. "Okay Dawny," He replied, yawning.

"I should go, it's your bedtime,"

There was more shuffling on the other end of the phone, "Please don't leave Dawn," I heard a sniffle, "I miss you,"

Gulping, I closed my eyes, clutching the phone closer to my ear, "I miss you too Jacob, I promise I'll visit you soon,"

I knew that he would be shaking his head right now, "Please stay on the phone," He barely whispered, his voice cracking.

"Of course, don't you worry, I'm not leaving you, I never will," I mumbled, his parents left him years ago, died, now I've left him too and I couldn't feel worse about it. "I'm really sorry Jacob, I know this situation sucks,

"It sucks dick,"

I gasped, sitting up, all thoughts of sleeping now gone, "Where did you learn that word?"

"Which one? Dick? From James," James was the one who he had given a black eye to today.

I shook my head, a sigh leaving my lips as I settled back into my covers. "That's a naughty word Jacob, please don't say it again,"

I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone, though he said nothing. "I wish you were here, Rose can't braid my hair like you can, she hurts my head," I could tell he was sticking his bottom lip out. Jacob liked to have the top of his hair braided, his hair was just long enough to do it and he liked putting it in a ponytail. From time to time, he will ask me to braid his hair and we will dress up in my large dresses, and high heels, those are my fondest memories of us together. "Can you read me a bedtime story Dawn, with the princess and the prince and the frog,"

"Of course my baby," I smiled, beginning to tell a story that I remembered off my heart, it was one of my favourite books, I read it when I was young, as I told the story, I knew Jacob was mouthing the words along with me, I've read him this story thousands of times, he knew every word.

I finally heard his snores on the other side of the phone. "Good night Jacob," I whispered, leaving the phone call running, I told him I was never going to leave him, I never will.

Listening to Jacobs snores gave me a new motivation to kill Grayson, I wasn't just doing it for my own safety, I reminded myself, I was doing it for my family, so she doesn't kill my family. Jacob has thousands of years to live yet, I will not let him die by Coralina's hands.

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