20 Kill Him

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Coralina laughed- no, crackled as her long, crooked fingernails ran down Bailey's face, tearing open her skin like wrapping paper. My voice screamed for her, my hands fumbled, trying to undo these thick ties behind my back, my stomach was hollow, I felt myself throwing up again, allowing myself to be sick on the floor, I felt my intestines flow from my mouth. I was literally throwing up my own organs. I didn't care- not when I looked in front of me, my entire family, Coralina's poison had already run through their systems, their skin was an ash grey as their eyes still stayed open, piercing my eyes as they lay dead on the floor. I couldn't look at my brother, my mother, father, Jacob. Coralina licked Baileys wound- her skin instantly turning grey as the poison that was in Corliana's saliva coursed through her veins.

Coralina turned to me, licking the Baileys blood from her cheek, she walked through my puked up organs, pulling my head up by my hair, making me face the evil woman who killed my family. "3 weeks, Luna," She warned, dropping my head, I felt her deadly claw run over my skin, her tongue entered my wound- the poison ignited my body, like a lightning piercing me over and over, I was already paralysed before I had the chance to scream, however, I felt every piercing pain until it filled my entire system.

My eyes shot open. A cold sweat drenched me. I couldn't speak, it all felt so real. Too real. Looking at my clock- I realised it was 4 am. I was shaking, my head wasn't right. Looking over to my phone, I saw the call with Jacob still running, pressing my head against the phone, I could barely hear his deep breaths on the other side. 

I was still shaking when I rose from the bed, washed my face, pinned my hair up and looked in the mirror. My hands grasped the sink as I looked at my face, large bags under my eyes, I could swear, there was a faint dullness to my skin- just like the ash in my dream. I shuddered again. "I need to end this," I spoke to myself, my voice still shaky after I had brushed my teeth.

I barely had the strength to grab a knife from the kitchen, hiding it under my tank top I stumbled to the alphas quarters. It was as if I had been drugged once I entered his room, everything was blurry, swaying. The blood, the organs- Bailey- mom- Jacob, their cold, dead eyes piercing me. The pain I caused them. I should've just let Coralina take their memories away. I ran straight past the alpha's bed, to his bathroom, proceeding to throw up in his toilet, once, twice, three times, till there was nothing left. No organs, but the pain was real. Tears soon flowed down my face.

I let myself sit there, the tiled floor calming me under my bare thighs, until I rose from my seat, the knife weighing me down. As I exited the bathroom, I saw Grayson standing, confusion hidden within his eyes as he looked at me, his eyes roaming my face, my bags, my tear-stained cheeks, his gaze fell down to my knife. "I have to do this," I spoke, as softly as I could, grasping the knife tighter, it was the only thing connecting me to reality. "For my family- for Jacob," I whispered, almost to myself as I walked towards him.

His large frame did not move an inch as he looked down at me, pity vibrant in his gaze. "Who's hurt you, love?" He mumbled, his deep, sleepy voice sparked something deep within me, my magic purring. I didn't let him talk, I swung the knife into his chest, though he moved out of the way swiftly. "Love, listen-" I swung again, I force my magic onto him, it was as if it didn't want to be used against him- as if it knew what I wanted to do. Though it hesitantly instructed my order, slamming him against the wall- pinning his hands and legs to it, his neck an easy target. "Love," He spoke, though I could hear the faint disgust laced into his tone, I had revealed I was a witch, shit, well I have to kill him now. 

His voice was so soft, his eyes, so encapturing. I brought my knife to his neck. "This ends now," I spoke, pressing it into his neck, the blood cascaded down his neck. "You're so vulnerable," I uttered to mostly myself. I couldn't help myself, I moved my lips to the wound I made on his neck, kissing it lightly, "You're so still, I've never seen you so still,"

I looked up at him, into his eyes, oh, his tortured eyes, they were grey, stormy, traumatized. "This won't hurt, I promise," I pressed the knife to right above his heart. Standing onto my tiptoes, I kissed him on the nose, murmuring, "I'm sorry,".

My magic turned against me. Ignoring my orders, it fell from Grayson, he knew instantly, grabbing the blade of the knife, his claws flew from his hands, the knife was thrown, landing in the wall opposing him. With one hand around my waist, one in my hair, he forced me to look up- just like in my dream, fresh tears falling from my eyes. His skin began to turn to ash- no, I'm hallucinating. "Dawn, what's wrong?" he whispered. I grasped onto his jacket. Jacob, Bailey, mom, Hunter. I sob escaped my mouth.

Kill him. Kill him.

I couldn't. Not now. My knees buckled as my face pressed into his top. My hands grasped my neck. He's real. I'm real. I didn't realize my entire body was shaking, it was cold- too cold. I held tightly against him as we slowly slid to the floor, his hand petting my hair. I didn't realise my mouth was moving, repeating the words 'i'm sorry' over and over. It all happened too fast.

His body heat warmed me. "Dawn I need to know who did this to you," he uttered.

I was too scared to answer, my whole body quaking- it stilled under this touched. I was calm enough for a split second to force, "my magic went against me," from my mouth.

"I know, darling," There was no anger in his voice or his touch as he let a hand trail up and down my arm, I was in his arms bridal style, my head embedding into the crook of his neck. His right arm was around my back, his knees were bent, his whole body protecting me from the world as much as he could. "Tell me what I can do to make this better, love," he murmured, practically begged. I shook my head.

"Stay, just stay here," I cried, my shaking body not calming anytime soon.

"Let me bathe you," He began to move.

Though it caused my entire body to shudder again, my head moved out of control, shaking back and forth. "no, no, no, no," my mouth said, clutching him close. My body calmed once he sat back in his before position, his back against the wall. "I need to stay here. I feel safe here," I found myself uttering, drunk on his mint scent.

My eyes slowly closed, like the lid of a coffin. My breathing slowed as I fell asleep, his entire body pressed against mine. I knew that I could stay like that forever. 

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