25 Wounds and Scars

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Sighing with relief, Grayson had finally fallen asleep after around 3 hours of pure agony, listening to his pain and being unable to do anything about it. He had curled up to me in his sleep, his head on my chest, he had his arms around my waist, I had one in his hair, one on his arm. He had fallen asleep around 2 hours ago, but I couldn't tell myself to get out of bed, I couldn't even sleep myself, what if Grayson needed me again? My hand drew lazy circles in his hair, he groaned in his sleep, shifting positions a little, his mouth touched the tip of my nipple.

Okay. Maybe now it's time to get up.

After slowly untangling our limbs, I carefully got out of bed, jumping into the shower, I embraced the ice-cold droplets. After changing into some of the clothes that Franky bought, I looked at myself in the light blue summers dress.

I had cuts and scars on every inch of my body, fresh bruises forming, bandages around my arms, my calves. I saw my shoulder's bandage was covered in blood. I liked my old clothes better, they covered my body. Cracking the bathroom door open a little, I saw Grayson sitting up in the bed, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. "Grayson?" I called from the bathroom door. He grumbled a reply. "Could you grab my clothes from yesterday? They're on the floor somewhere," I didn't want to look in the mirror again, I didn't like what looked back.

"Get them yourself,"

I rolled my eyes, what a gentleman. "And they say chivalry is dead...Please?" I called.

"No," Sighing, I walked out of the bathroom, trying to cover up my arms, my bandages. I scurried over to the clothes. "They're dirty. They have blood on them." Grayson spoke, watching me as I tried to ignore his morning voice.

"I don't care. I can't walk around like this," I gestured to my body, which was extremely exposed due to the petite, flowy dress.

"Your bandages need changing,"

"I'll do it later," I spoke, rushing back to the bathroom, though Grayson beat me to it.

"Why do you want to cover your wounds?" He asked, looking down at them, inspecting them, checking for infection and signs of recovery.

If Grayson was honest last night, I could be honest now. "It's embarrassing," I mumbled, looking away from him. "If a single vampire injures me this much, how am I supposed to fight a war with them?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "Vampires are undead Dawn. They nearly impossible to beat without a silver soaked steak- or magic I guess. My best fighters would have just as many injuries. Show them off. Flaunt that you beat a vampire empty-handed. Wounds and scars are what make people respect you."

I finally looked up at him, crossing my arms, "Like the scars on your back?" I asked hesitantly.

He gulped, focusing on the floor behind me. "They're different. They come from a place of weakness, of vulnerability," Before I could ask any questions he spoke again, "I'm having a meeting today. In this house."

"I will be out of your hair. But I want a room for magic, no debate."

"No. If someone finds out you're a witch-"

I rolled my eyes, giving a very unladylike groan. "Grayson! They're going to find out! I will need it to fight this war."

"I said no!"


"I will not allow it!" He roared, clenching his jaw. We stared at each other, glaring heavily. Without another word, I walked from the room, dropping my dirty clothes on the floor and walking from the house.


"Like this," Emerald spoke, pushing on my abdomen. "You feel this?" I nodded, I did feel the magic roaring inside of me bubbling. "Okay," She spoke quietly, "Now, you need to imagine the water flying up, imagine it turning into a shape, focus. Clear your mind,"

I did as she said. Looking at the calm river, I focused on the ripples, focusing on them spiralling, lifting into the air, and forming a wolf, it looked like Graysons.
After focusing on the river, after many failed attempts, I finally rose the water, it formed a tiny wolf, before I got too excited I lost my control, and the water fell back into the river.

"Woo!" Franky fist-bumped the air, "That was so cool! I wish I was a witch!"

I groaned, "Yes, please, take these powers away they only cause trouble," I mumbled letting the sundress pool around me. Emerald had washed all of my cuts, healing them the most she could with her green magic. "Let's take a break," I groaned, rubbing my head.

"Sure," Emerald spoke, before squeezing her eyes shut for a second, green mist covered her before it fell to the ground, covering the majority of the area we were in.

"What did you do?" Franky asked, chewing on a carrot.

"I disguised the smell of her magic, so people don't know we've been practising it," Emerald spoke, tipping her feet into the pond.

I smiled, I noticed that the metallic smell in the air had dispersed. "I'll have to learn that one,"

"It's the first spell you will have to master," Emerald smiled back, before falling back onto the bright green grass, letting the sun soak into her.

"The pack will try and kill me if they find out, won't they?" I asked referring to the face that I was now a witch.

Franky gulped skipping a rock on the river. "You will be banished from the pack. Nobody will touch you we will make sure of it." Franky skipped another stone as Emerald nodded in agreement.

"Franky?" I looked up. "Who's Grayson's ex-fiance?"

The joyous atmosphere within the clearing fell flat.

"She was called Jasmine. She was beautiful, she's now Luna of the Broad Sheild Pack, wife of Geradide,-"

"- she was a nasty piece of work, she had no respect for the staff, I was her personal maid for an hour before she fired me and replaced me," Emerald rolled her eyes, "It was an arranged marriage between the two- they were put together to help the two packs strengthen-"

"-but at one point they couldn't even stay in the same room together- it was doing more harm than good, so Grayson ended it,"

"Yeah, she was horrible, everyone was scared of her, I even felt like Grayson was at one point," Franky shuddered as if horrid memories came to light. "I don't know how Geradide copes with her,"

The memories of Grayson's back come back to memory, those scars, they had littered his chest and back, how had I never seen them before? I shook my head, no wonder Grayson was scared of her. How dare someone lay a hand on my mate? How could someone be so inconsiderate, so disgustingly horrific? My magic bubbled under my skin, it needed a release, my anger, it needed a release, flicking my hand, a large wave formed in the lake, it grew nearly taller than the trees as it flopped onto the land, the trees and grass now soaked.

I smiled, taking a bite of my green apple, looking at Emerald, she held her mouth open as her tanned skin sparkled in the sunlight, her large eyes closed, her purple hair flowing down her shoulders, down her skinny body. A light smile was placed on her face as the fish bit her feet. "So cool," she uttered

Franky took a seat next to her, he licked his large bottom lip as he looked at her, before poking her in her stomach. Before I knew it, he was on top of her, ticking her, her screams lit up the forest, the fish now swimming away from her. Rolling my eyes, I cleared my mind, creating a swan out of the water, letting it slide along the pond. Before taking a large bucket full of water, and dumping it all over Franky and Emerald.

Their screeches danced around the forest as I jumped into the pond, the water gracefully catching me. 

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