17 Tomorrow Night

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I continued applying makeup, just finishing applying my highlighter. Grayson walked into my room and laid in my bed, confused, I looked at the clock.

"It's 2 am," I stated, not looking at him.

"My wolf isn't shutting up about you, thinking you've run off again and won't let me sleep." He sprawled out onto the bed and closed his eyes. I hummed along, I could feel his gaze on me as I applied my mascara. "Who was hurting you at your pack?" He mumbled softly. My stomach dropped and my shaky hand stopped applying the mascara.

"A witch," I answered honestly.

He nodded, "I thought so, only those nasty creatures can hurt someone as they hurt you," He grumbled. Even though it wasn't a direct insult, it was an insult to what I am. I'm a nasty witch, I shivered at the thought of being a witch. After a moment of silence, he added. "Are you okay?" His voice was soft.

"Yeah, of course," I finished the mascara, turned to him, leaning against the wall opposing him he was propping himself up on his elbows.

"How are you already healed?"

"She healed me after."

"Now why would she do that? What did she want?" He asked, his jaw clenching. "Damn Coralina," He uttered.

"You know her?" I whispered, walking to him, maybe I didn't have to kill him, maybe I could just fix their relationship. Grayson shrugged as I sat on the edge of the bed. As if Coralina could hear my thoughts my witches mark began pulsing, a spring of pain hit my body.

As if Grayson felt it too, he shivered, sitting up. "What was that?" He asked I stilled, not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled, before getting up, walking away from him, he cannot find out about the witches mark, he cannot. "Oh," I smelt the air and wrinkled my nose, "you stink of beer,"

" You just noticed? I had 3 bottles of whiskey" my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"How are you not dead!" I exclaimed. Maybe I could dose his alcohol with something stronger when he drinks the alcohol to excess, he will die. A purr wrapped around my brain, it was like the witch would read my thoughts, she could see through my eyes. Shaking my head, I crossed my arms, looking at him.

"I'm an alpha." I sighed as I was reminded my mate was an alpha. I looked at my reflection and looked at it in disgust. I'd never been fit for a Luna. "My wolf thinks you don't need makeup" he stated coldly. I rolled my eyes."You look better with makeup," he grumbled.

"Yeah, that's kinda the point, " I turned to him. "Your wolf has seen me now and I have not run away so get off my bed and go sleep with some girl," I said in disgust and turned back to the mirror.

Grayson walked up to me, rolling his sleeves up to his eyebrows. He wrapped his veiny hand around my small throat. "Don't you ever disrespect me again," he tightened his grip, closing my airways.

Kill Him. Kill Him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him. Kill him

I pushed the magic rising to the surface back down. I can't. I'm too weak. Some people must care about him. "I'm sorry Alpha," I choked, lowing my head in respect. His grip on my loosed, in confusion. Looking up, his eyes glanced at mine, confusion dancing all along his face. His eyes revealed so much about him, he was silently wishing for me to fight with him, to flirt, to challenge him, though I only moved my gaze back to his feet. Finally, he let go, turning his back, and walking away.


As he left, I looked down to the witches mark, then back to the pact that Bailey, Hunter and I made.

'"We will all protect each other. Always," I whispered back, squeezing both of their hands. I will not let dirty, blood-sucking vampires taking my family away.'

Huffing, I tensed my jaw. Psyching myself up. He will be dead by tomorrow night. 

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